Infamous 2: Platinum RFI Charging

Trophy 41: Mountaineer

Official Description: Climb to the top of the 3 tallest buildings in New Marais.
Type: Bronze
Earned on: May 15th, 2022
Overall Earned: #1905

After you beat the game you can do some free roaming on your save file. I climbed to the top of the clocktower building to get this one. I had already climbed the ice jerk tower and cathedral multiple times.

Trophy 42: Nothing Can Bring Me Down

Official Description: Stay off the ground for 130 meters.
Type: Bronze
Earned on: May 15th, 2022
Overall Earned: #1906

I got this one shortly after the last one by floating off the top of the clocktower.

Trophy 43: Cole’ Blooded

Official Description: Defeat 100 civilians.
Type: Bronze
Earned on: May 18th, 2022
Overall Earned: #1907

Time to turn Cole into an evil bastard. Mwahahaha! I pwned 100 civilians surprisingly early into my next playthrough. Not sure if I should be proud or ashamed of that. Anyway, unfortunate civilian #100 was a mugging victim I lobbed a bunch of evil grenades at. His muggers were pwned in the blast too so not completely evil, eh?

Trophy 44: A Streetcar Named “Boom!”

Official Description: Complete BOOM!
Type: Bronze
Earned on: May 18th, 2022
Overall Earned: #1908

Screw the saving the cops and caring about collateral damage! This time I went with Nix’s plan to blow open the gate to Bertrand’s compound with a hijacked streetcar. She helped Cole fight his way to Kuo.

Trophy 45: Playing Both Sides

Official Description: Complete Fooling the Rebels.
Type: Bronze
Earned on: May 23rd, 2022
Overall Earned: #1909

Screw earning the Rebels trust with medical supplies! This time Cole went with Nix’s plan to trick the Rebels into worshipping him. Nix breaks into the Militia’s fort and uses a heavy gun thingy to kill a bunch of Rebels. Cole swoops in to destroy weapon and the Rebels think he’s their hero. Mwahahaha!

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