Fallout: New Vegas DLC Trophy High-Rolling

Collecting PlayStation trophies is one of my favourite video game hobbies. I enjoy recording my trophy journeys in the form of scrapbook articles on Strength in Sarcasm because why not! Here’s the details on the gathering of my Fallout: New Vegas DLC trophies.

SPOILER WARNING in case I need to say it. I’ll be talking about the game’s trophies, which includes plot ruining details if you haven’t played the game yet.

Gun Runners’ Arsenal

Trophy 1: Curios and Relics

Official Description: Caused 10,000 damage with unique Mojave Wasteland weapons.
Type: Bronze
Earned on: January 8th, 2022
Overall Earned: #1760

The Gun Runners DLC isn’t a standalone story module like the others. This one adds cool weapons and special challenges to the base game that’s already there.

I found a weapon called Pew Pew next to the dead guy from The Legend of the Star side mission and used it to fight my way out of the Brotherhood of Steel bunker. Unsurprisingly, they turned on me for setting their base on self-destruct mode. How quickly friends can turn to enemies. ☹️

Oh well! At least I got power armor training from them first.

Trophy 2: Up to the Challenge

Official Description: Completed any three Gun Runners’ Arsenal (GRA) one star (*) Challenges.
Type: Bronze
Earned on: February 20th, 2022
Overall Earned: #1796

The first challenge trophy required me to complete an 3 of the easy-ish tasks. I chose to kill 15 robots with the GRA 5.56 pistol, kill 15 Feral Ghouls with the Gehenna (a holy flaming blade), and finally kill Mr. House with a rusty 9 iron golf club. Yikes.

Trophy 3: Combat Veteran

Official Description: Completed any three Gun Runners’ Arsenal (GRA) two star (**) Challenges.
Type: Silver
Earned on: February 20th, 2022
Overall Earned: #1797

Time to up my GRA challenge game! The three I did for this one: kill 20 fiends with a .44 magnum revolver, kill 15 Super Mutants with a Ripper (chainsaw-like knife thingy (and sorry friendly Jacobstown Super Mutants… I was in a hurry)), and kill 10 Chairmen in the Gomorrah casino with a submachine gun. It felt good to tell their door guard to screw off for once!

Trophy 4: Master of the Arsenal

Official Description: Caused 10,000 damage with Gun Runners’ Arsenal (GRA) Weapons.
Type: Silver
Earned on: February 21st, 2022
Overall Earned: #1798

For reasons related to the next trophy, I was brutally murdering 15 named and ranked NCR members with a Ripper. The Ripper is a GRA weapon so the trophy for causing 10K damage with those showed up while I was doing that. Efficient… and terrible!

Trophy 5: Pros Only

Official Description: Completed any three Gun Runners’ Arsenal (GRA) three star (***) Challenges.
Type: Gold
Earned on: February 21st, 2022
Overall Earned: #1799

The final set of GRA challenges I did were:

  • Killed 5 Deathclaws with a pitifully weak recharger rifle (I found a spot where a mob of Deathclaws couldn’t reach me, and then picked ’em off one by one over the course of an hour. I’ll take the yawn method over the constantly dying method, thanks)
  • Killed 10 Sentry Bots with a lead pipe (my melee skillz were pretty high so this was super easy)
  • And like I mentioned in the last trophy babbling, finally killed 15 named and ranked NCR members with a ripper (I stealth killed them so it was pretty easy, even though I felt super terrible about it. The hardest part was finding the correct NCR members to covertly maim)

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