Infamous 2: Platinum RFI Charging

Trophy 31: Dazed and Defused

Official Description: Take down the Blast Shard Bomber.
Type: Bronze
Earned on: May 15th, 2022
Overall Earned: #1895

One of the side mission stories was taking down a crazy bomber guy exploding things in the Gas Works (yikes!). At the end of the mission he holds a group of civilians hostage. Cole has the option to blow him up and kill the civilians with him, or defuse the bomb and take him out normally. I went with the latter to maintain Cole’s good vibes.

Trophy 32: Frozen Asset

Official Description: Complete the Ice Conduit side missions.
Type: Bronze
Earned on: May 15th, 2022
Overall Earned: #1896

Good Karma Cole works with a rogue iceman who hates his ice jerk friends for a set of side missions. He starts evolving after each mission and turns into a crazed Titan at the end. Cole and Kuo sadly have to put him out of his misery before he destroys them.

Trophy 33: Just One More

Official Description: Pick up all the blast shards scattered around New Marais.
Type: Gold
Earned on: May 15th, 2022
Overall Earned: #1897

I needed the lightning grapple thingy to get the last shard. I may have accidentally fried and drowned Cole after getting it, but hey, it still counts.

Trophy 34: Back to the Bayou

Official Description: Return to the swamp blockade.
Type: Bronze
Earned on: May 15th, 2022
Overall Earned: #1898

Simply returning to the starting area unlocks this one.

Trophy 35: Well inFORMED

Official Description: Collect all Dead drops.
Type: Silver
Earned on: May 15th, 2022
Overall Earned: #1899

The last pigeon I had to murder for intel was flying around the starter area. The now late Dr. Wolfe explained how he had to work for Bertrand to have the resources to create the RFI. He hopes to god it’s enough to cure the radiation plague killing humanity.

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