Solarayo Streams

Yes! I do stream video games on Twitch like a lot of gamers do nowadays. Long story short, I do the streams thing under another logo called Pragmatic Pixel. This was a blog brand/channel I setup with a group of awesome friends who have since returned to their own epic things.

It’s a pain in the ass to switch around streaming accounts so I’m gonna stick with this one instead of making one specifically for Strength in Sarcasm. Brand consistency totally is overrated!

Twitch Stream Status

When I’m live on Twitch you can probably see it embedded here assuming this works! Thank you for watching if ya do.

Please note: Currently I don’t have a streaming schedule since I treat it as a super casual thing I do for fun (definitely not a professional). By streaming I get a lot of vocal usage XP and get to share games I love with cool friends. These are the only reasons why I stream. Never gonna be famous, baby! 😎

That being said, I usually only have time to stream on Sundays so you’ll likely see me on sometime that day.

Stream Archives

I try to keep an archive of all streams on Pragmatic Pixel’s Youtube channel. It’s always fun to revisit good times and what not. The massive playlist I’ve created for them is below! The order is most recent to oldest.

Recommended Streamers

To be honest, 99% of things I watch are other streamers on Twitch. TV shows and movies generally just aren’t for me anymore, for whatever reason. Here are some of the other streamers out there in the Twitch-verse that I highly recommend checking out!