Gr! Multiplayer trophies are the bane of my gamer existence. For one, I’m cheap and don’t like paying for a monthly PlayStation+ subscription I’ll barely use. And two, it’s so annoying playing ‘nice’ with random strangers on the internet. For this reason there were just two silly trophies standing between me and an Assassin’s Creed Unity platinum trophy since 2016. Alas!
I thought I’d never get that shiny platinum, but an awesome friend shone through for me in April 2023! Phil the Pun Master (who frequently tags along with the lovely Later Levels crew) randomly offered to help me get those elusive trophies during one of our regularly scheduled weekly game nights with Kim and Pete. Yay!
Trophy 49: Never Say Die
Official Description: Revive a partner in Co-op.
Type: Bronze
Earned on: April 4th, 2023
Overall Earned: #2018

It felt so weird to pick up this game again after not playing it for 7 years. I had no idea what to do, or what I had done in the game (which seemed to be a lot since my Arno was a Champion with epic gear). Phil figured out that we could get those two pesky trophies in a co-op free roam setting. I didn’t know that was a thing!
During our rampage in a higher level part of the city, Phil accidentally got murdered by a jerk and I was able to revive him. One down!
Trophy 50: Choreography
Official Description: Perform 10 Co-op sync kills.
Type: Bronze
Earned on: April 4th, 2023
Overall Earned: #2019

Syncing up kills was surprisingly easy. The game is very generous with the timer so it was just a matter of finding two unaware evil dudes and pressing the kill button at relatively the same time x10. Before I knew it, the trophy unlocked. I can’t believe that was holding me back from sweet platinum.
Trophy 51: Master Assassin
Official Description: Earn every Trophy.
Type: Platinum
Earned on: April 4th, 2023
Overall Earned: #2020

Finally! A platinum trophy unlock after 7 years on hold. We celebrated by unloading smoke bombs on a crowd of innocent people because why not. Vive la révolution!! ✊
Sources: All images in this post are screenshots we took with the PlayStation 4 from the video game Assassin’s Creed Unity by Ubisoft