Fallout 4: Raiding All the DLC Trophies

Vault-Tec Workshop

Trophy 1: Better Living Underground

Official Description: Unlock all build areas of Vault 88
Type: Bronze
Earned on: March 10th, 2023
Overall Earned: #2007

There was a Vault under construction when the bombs fell and you get to finish it! It took a lot of fighting to unlock all the build areas. I’m pretty sure there was one of everything to face-off with.

Trophy 2: Vault Dweller

Official Description: Equip Vault 88 suit and Pip-boy on a settler
Type: Bronze
Earned on: March 10th, 2023
Overall Earned: #2008

You can equip your test subjects… I mean, vault dwellers with the trademark pip-boy and uniform. Poor Clem.

Trophy 3: Oversight

Official Description: Become Overseer
Type: Bronze
Earned on: March 10th, 2023
Overall Earned: #2009

After Clem ran through all the experiments…. I mean, trials, I convinced the Overseer to leave Vault 88. This made me the new Overseer.

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