Far Harbor
Trophy 1: Far From Home
Official Description: Complete the quest “Far From Home”
Type: Bronze
Earned on: February 18th, 2023
Overall Earned: #1972

The Far Harbor DLC takes place on an island of radioactive fog. Fun! A couple on the mainland send you off in search of their runaway daughter Kasumi to start things off.
Trophy 2: Just Add Saltwater
Official Description: Cook One of the New Far Harbor Recipes
Type: Bronze
Earned on: February 18th, 2023
Overall Earned: #1973

New island means new creatures to slay! Those creatures also drop tasty radioactive meats to cook. The first new recipe I cooked was Poached Angler. Yum!
Trophy 3: New England Vactioner
Official Description: Discover 20 Far Harbor Locations
Type: Bronze
Earned on: March 4th, 2023
Overall Earned: #1999

There are a ton of locations to discover on the island! My 20th one was Haddock Cove. I didn’t see any haddock, but there were a ton of ‘friendly’ Mirelurks.
Trophy 4: Push Back The Fog
Official Description: Unlock 3 Far Harbor Workshop Locations
Type: Bronze
Earned on: March 4th, 2023
Overall Earned: #2000

Of course the island needs its own set of needy settlements. I ignored them even more than the main game ones. But yeah, the third workshop I unlocked while checking up on cranky Uncle Ken.
Trophy 5: Where You Belong
Official Description: Complete the quest “Where You Belong”
Type: Bronze
Earned on: March 4th, 2023
Overall Earned: #2001

Kasumi was chilling at an enclave of synths and seemed to think she was a synth as well. Weird. She wanted me to find out what the synth leader DiMA was up to.
Trophy 6: The Islander’s Almanac
Official Description: Collect all issues of “The Islander’s Almanac” magazine
Type: Bronze
Earned on: March 5th, 2023
Overall Earned: #2002

The Islander’s Almanac is a wonderful post-apocalyptic publication that gives you permanent bonuses upon uncovering. The last issue I found gave me a +5% defense against Mirelurk attacks. Definitely useful on the sea abomination infested island.
Trophy 7: The Way Life Should Be
Official Description: Complete the quest “The Way Life Should Be”
Type: Bronze
Earned on: March 5th, 2023
Overall Earned: #2003

Turns out DiMA has a habit of killing important people and replacing him with synth minions. It’s okay though! He only does it to ensure peace between the island’s three factions. The war between the Children of Atom and the Far Harbor settlers needs to end and I got to chose the island’s fate!
Trophy 8: Cleansing The Land
Official Description: Complete the quest “Cleansing the Land”
Type: Bronze
Earned on: March 5th, 2023
Overall Earned: #2004

Since DiMA has already discreetly replaced the leader of Far Harbor with a synth, I helped him covertly murder the cruel Children of Atom leader and had him replaced with another synth. Now all three factions can live in harmony with the radioactive fog! I promise I’ll never tell the Brotherhood of Steel about the island full of synths they’d like to murder… honest!
Trophy 9: Hooked
Official Description: Defeat 30 Far Harbor Sea Creatures
Type: Bronze
Earned on: March 5th, 2023
Overall Earned: #2005

Somehow I managed to get through the island’s story without killing 30 of the new sea creatures. Didn’t take long to find the last few I needed just by roaming around the forests.
Trophy 10: Close To Home
Official Description: Complete the quest “Close to Home”
Type: Silver
Earned on: March 5th, 2023
Overall Earned: #2006

With the island sorted out Kasumi agrees to return to her parents in the Commonwealth. She still thinks she’s a synth but at least everyone is happily back together!