Collecting PlayStation trophies is one of my favourite video game hobbies. I enjoy recording my trophy journeys in the form of scrapbook articles on Strength in Sarcasm because why not! Here’s the details on my Assassin’s Creed Syndicate platinum quest.
SPOILER WARNING in case I need to say it. I’ll be talking about all the game’s trophies, which includes plot ruining details if you haven’t played the game yet.

Trophy Unlocks 1-10
Trophy 1: A Spanner in the Works
Official Description: “Complete Memory Sequence 1.”
Type: Bronze
Earned on: August 8th, 2020
Overall Earned: #1360

Assassin’s Creed is great to me again! After Assassin’s Creed Unity left a meh impression on me I took a several year break from the series. I jumped back in with a platinum trophy hunt in Syndicate during the Summer 0f ’20.
I was hooked on the story and fell in love with the two protagonists within mere minutes of starting the game. Evie and Jacob Frye are charming, hilarious and a wonderful bro/sis duo. I’m an only child so I have to admit I’m a huge sucker for any plot with siblings.
This trophy is earned for simply completing the starting missions. These were a great intro to combat and stealth with Jacob and Evie. Jacob is the brash brawler and Evie is the stoic stealth goddess. You have the option to swap between the pair most of the time, but some missions require a specific sibling.
Evie is by far my favourite choice so most of the game will be completed as her. I love her traditionalist assassin character (throwing knives FTW), but that doesn’t mean I hate Jacob, by any means. His biggest flaw is he isn’t Evie.
Trophy 2: A Simple Plan
Official Description: “Complete Memory Sequence 2.”
Type: Bronze
Earned on: August 8th, 2020
Overall Earned: #1361

It’s just not Assassin’s Creed without a complicated plot happening in the present day! The present day is shown in cutscenes instead of weird minigames like Unity. That’s a change I’m totally okay with!
Trophy 3: Blade in the Crowd
Official Description: “Assassinate fifty enemies.”
Type: Bronze
Earned on: August 8th, 2020
Overall Earned: #1362

This one was earned early on in my quest. Not surprising that assassinations happen a lot in a game called Assassin’s Creed I suppose.
Trophy 4: Queensbury Rules
Official Description: “Reach combo level 40.”
Type: Bronze
Earned on: August 8th, 2020
Overall Earned: #1363

Yikes. I know this looks bad, but I swear I was just innocently murdering rival gang members when a copper jumped into the fight. I had to kill him in self-defense and I happened to get a x40 combo while doing so.
Trophy 5: Unqualified Success
Official Description: “Complete three Templar Hunts and their challenges.”
Type: Bronze
Earned on: August 8th, 2020
Overall Earned: #1364

Hunting pesky lesser Templars is one of the side missions in Syndicate. For this trophy, not only do you have to complete three Templar Hunts, you also have to fulfil their optional objectives. With this out of the way it was back to ignoring everything and charging directly at my target!
Trophy 6: Thieftaker
Official Description: “Bring three Bounty targets back alive.”
Type: Bronze
Earned on: August 8th, 2020
Overall Earned: #1365

Another side activity is capturing live (preferably) Templars for the good copper Sgt. Abberline. It’s actually more fun bringing them in alive rather than just simply killing them. They look so humiliated! I may have accidentally pressed the assassinate button instead of the knock out button a few times but whatever.
Trophy 7: Ordinary Criminal
Official Description: “Complete twenty Crowd Events.”
Type: Bronze
Earned on: August 8th, 2020
Overall Earned: #1366

You can’t go more than 2 minutes walking on the streets of London without running into a crowd event. Tackling petty thieves or murdering random Templar minions seem to happen the most frequently. No surprise I got the trophy for doing 20 of them so quickly.
Trophy 8: A Modern Babylon
Official Description: “Complete twenty Crowd Events.”
Type: Bronze
Earned on: August 8th, 2020
Overall Earned: #1367

It’s in my nature to do all the side stuff before tackling the main story in any Assassin’s Creed game. I left off the story with Evie and Jacob having a bit of a disagreement on how to cleanse London of the Templar control.
Trophy 9: Flawless Conqueror
Official Description: “Secure three Gang Strongholds and complete their optional constraints.”
Type: Bronze
Earned on: August 9th, 2020
Overall Earned: #1368

Yet another side activity is taking over rival gang strongholds. Thankfully like in Unqualified Success, I only had to worry about fulfilling the optional objectives 3 times.
Trophy 10: Children’s Aid Society
Official Description: “Complete five Child Liberation memories.”
Type: Bronze
Earned on: August 9th, 2020
Overall Earned: #1369

The Industrial Revolution was a rough time for the working class of all ages it seems. Freeing the child slaves kept by greedy Templar fat cats is the most satisfying side activity in this game. Not triggering the alarm in the process is kinda fun but the optional objectives are not needed for this trophy.
Trophy Unlocks 11-20
Trophy 11: Friends at My Back
Official Description: “Recruit a gang of 5 allies.”
Type: Bronze
Earned on: August 9th, 2020
Overall Earned: #1370

The Rooks are the gang under the command of Jacob and Evie you can use in game. To be honest, I didn’t use them much since I enjoy the solo assassin experience more. Randomly rounding up five minions got me this trophy though.
Official Description: “Flip five vehicles by shooting their horses.”
Type: Bronze
Earned on: August 9th, 2020
Overall Earned: #1371

This was the hardest trophy for me. It was more of a moral difficulty than a gameplay difficulty. I HATE harming animals in video games, but this one requires you to kill the bad guys’ horses during chases so that their carriages flip over.
What I won’t do for trophies. Wait! What’s wrong with YOU, devs, for putting this trophy in the game in the first place, huh?
It is kinda weird that I have no issues murdering the bad virtual humans in this game, yet felt awful about hurting the poor pixel horses. Sigh. May their pixelated souls neigh in peace.
Trophy 13: Guardian Angel
Official Description: “Successfully escort ten friendly cargo shipments.”
Type: Bronze
Earned on: August 9th, 2020
Overall Earned: #1372

There’s more than enough side activities to keep you busy. I made it a point to get this randomly generated cargo defending one out of the way ASAP. Worth mentioning you need to talk with Ned Wynert before this activity kicks off in game.
Trophy 14: Treasure Hunter
Official Description: “Complete ten Raids of any type with Jacob or Evie.”
Type: Bronze
Earned on: August 14th, 2020
Overall Earned: #1373

Raiding randomly generated Templar gang train, boat and carriage cargo runs all count towards the 10 hijackings needed for this one. The train raids are probably my favourite, but it’s hard to be in the right place at the right time to find them. Choo choo, ka-ching!
Trophy 15: Phantom
Official Description: “Learn every Stealth Skill as Evie.”
Type: Silver
Earned on: August 14th, 2020
Overall Earned: #1374

It wasn’t too hard to get enough skill points to max out Evie’s Stealth Skills. Normally I hate stealth in games, but I found Evie’s style fun for the most part. Throwing knives for the win!
Trophy 16: Bartitsu
Official Description: “Learn every Fight Skill as Jacob.”
Type: Silver
Earned on: August 14th, 2020
Overall Earned: #1375

Right after I maxed Evie’s stealth, I was able to max Jacob’s Fight Skills. I’m more of a Jacob at heart, to be honest. My preferred playstyle in most games is to go in swinging at the bad guys and ask questions later.
Trophy 17: Bare-Knuckle Champion
Official Description: “Win three different Fight Clubs.”
Type: Bronze
Earned on: August 14th, 2020
Overall Earned: #1376

My favourite side activity by far is the Fight Clubs scattered across London. I only needed to be champion of 3 of them for this trophy, but I went ahead and conquered all of them anyway for fun.
Trophy 18: A Quarter-Furlong at a Time
Official Description: “Finish first in 3 different Street Races.”
Type: Bronze
Earned on: August 14th, 2020
Overall Earned: #1377

Street Races are my least favourite side activity in this game. The computer cheats, my R2 trigger finger hurt from holding the button down, and it’s generally annoying since one mistake can make you lose. I invested some skill points into Evie’s driving ability and was able to finish most of them while coming first in 3 (which was all that was needed for this trophy).
Trophy 19: Needle in a Haystack
Official Description: “Kill five enemies from within the same haystack.”
Type: Bronze
Earned on: August 14th, 2020
Overall Earned: #1378

This can be a tricky one, but the stars aligned for me during one of Templar assassination missions. In order to get this one you have to lure 5 guards to the same haystack and stealth kill them from it. During the mission killing one guard with a hidden blade from a distance caused all the other guards to wander aimlessly. In that weird state I was able to whistle 5 of them over to my trap without being seen.
I technically got the trophy in a leaf pile, not a haystack, so it seems like those will count for the trophy.
Trophy 20: Blade from Above
Official Description: “Air Assassinate twenty enemies from a zipline.”
Type: Bronze
Earned on: August 14th, 2020
Overall Earned: #1379

The grappling hook mechanic is the most innovative and awesome addition to the Assassin’s Creed series! And totally not a rip off of any other games. A great grappling hook ability is to create a zipline you can use to air assassinate enemies. This trophy was for doing that 20 times.
Trophy Unlocks 21-30
Trophy 21: Whirlwind of Death
Official Description: “Perform fifty Multi-Finishers.”
Type: Bronze
Earned on: August 15th, 2020
Overall Earned: #1380

There’s nothing quite as satisfyingly as pulling off a multi-kill finisher. I racked up 50 of those in one of the Fight Clubs so those are probably good places to grind these if it’s not coming naturally. This screenshot also screams Whirlwind of Death, no?
Trophy 22: Multitalented
Official Description: “Acquire ten Perks.”
Type: Bronze
Earned on: August 15th, 2020
Overall Earned: #1381

Perks are basically little bonuses you get for performing certain actions a set number of times. I unlocked the 10th Perk I needed for the trophy in a Fight Club, of course.
Trophy 23: Bedfellows, Strange or Otherwise
Official Description: “Reach maximum Loyalty with any Associate.”
Type: Silver
Earned on: August 15th, 2020
Overall Earned: #1382

Associates are another cool feature of Syndicate. Allies of Evie and Jacob will offer you various side activities and you gain Loyalty with them by completing their jobs. Clara O’Dea, the young caretaker of the cities poor street children was the Associate I reached the max level with first.
I made it a point to stop the awful child slave factories run by the Templars first and foremost. Free the children!
Trophy 24: Student of History
Official Description: “Collect all of the Historical Posters.”
Type: Bronze
Earned on: August 15th, 2020
Overall Earned: #1383

I love that point in a game where all the collectible related trophies start rolling in. This one was for finding all the Historical Posters scattered across London. These are neat to look at in the game’s database too.
Trophy 25: Cerevisaphile
Official Description: “Sample every beer brand in London.”
Type: Bronze
Earned on: August 15th, 2020
Overall Earned: #1384

A trophy for sampling every beer brand in London? Yes, please! I also love reading Shawn Hasting’s tasting notes in the game’s database (he’s the present day member of the Assassins responsible from writing all the database entries).
Trophy 26: Language of Flowers
Official Description: “Collect all of the Pressed Flowers.”
Type: Bronze
Earned on: August 15th, 2020
Overall Earned: #1385

Pressed Flowers were yet another collectible to be collected. Each one unlocks a different colour scheme you can apply to Evie and Jacob’s attire. Don’t ask why the trophy took a few minutes to pop while I was cover assassinating jerks.
Trophy 27: Wonder of the Age
Official Description: “Reach Level 10.”
Type: Silver
Earned on: August 15th, 2020
Overall Earned: #1386

Max level was achieved way before I got anywhere in the main story. Gotta love all those side activities.
Trophy 28: Most Unsporting
Official Description: “Shoot fifty enemies before they shoot at you.”
Type: Bronze
Earned on: August 15th, 2020
Overall Earned: #1387

I was planning to get this trophy with Jacob the better marksmen, but Evie was just as capable of shooting people before being shot. I started farming Countershots (press the triangle prompt whenever someone is aiming at you) from rangers once I realized this could turn into a bit of a grind if I waited too long to go for it.
Trophy 29: You Wouldn’t Steal a Policeman’s Helmet
Official Description: “Hijack twenty police vehicles.”
Type: Bronze
Earned on: August 15th, 2020
Overall Earned: #1388

This one is quite a pain. You have to hijack 20 cop carriages, which sounds easy enough, but wasn’t so easy in practice. Most cop carriages come with two cops in the driver’s seat, meaning when you throw one off, the other cop throws you off and it doesn’t count.
I found running after the cop and re-hijacking worked well. In the harder districts, more cop carriages come after you once you steal one so I was able to get a chain of these a few times for the trophy. Shout-out to my Rooks for keeping the bloody coppers off my back!
Trophy 30: Street Sweeping
Official Description: “Conquer all the boroughs in London”
Type: Gold
Earned on: August 15th, 2020
Overall Earned: #1389

This trophy is for killing all of the Templar gang leaders and taking control of each district in London. The city is mine!
Trophy Unlocks 31-40
Trophy 31: Godlike
Official Description: “Unlock all of the Secrets of London.”
Type: Silver
Earned on: August 15th, 2020
Overall Earned: #1390

The Secrets of London music box finding activity has one hell of an amazing reward! Evie gets The Aegis outfit which was worn by Minerva herself. I really love the phasing elements incorporated into the outfit’s design. Screenshots can’t really do it justice.
Trophy 32: A Life in Letters
Official Description: “Collect all of the Royal Letters.”
Type: Bronze
Earned on: August 15th, 2020
Overall Earned: #1391

When in Buckingham Palace might as well steal all of the royal family’s private letters! Does Victorian-era London have tabloids? I bet Jacob and Evie could make a fortune.
Trophy 33: Artisan
Official Description: “Craft a Level 10 Item.”
Type: Bronze
Earned on: August 16th, 2020
Overall Earned: #1392

Who doesn’t love crafting level 10 weapons for a pair of lovable assassins to use mercilessly against their enemies.
Trophy 34: A Quick and Reliable Remedy
Official Description: “Complete Memory Sequence 4.”
Type: Bronze
Earned on: August 16th, 2020
Overall Earned: #1393

The final assassination mission for Sequence 4 was one of those settings that “get to me” in games. Anything with a hospital setting turns my stomach, but add in a mental hospital where the crazed doctors are torturing their patients to death and mutilating the bodies of the dead… just horrifying.
Luckily, Jacob saved the day in style. I murdered the pair of jerks electroconvulsive-therapy-torturing an awake patient, took the place of a body that head Dr. Asshole called for, and then happily murdered him in his own operating theater.
I never want to do this mission again.
Trophy 35: Keys to the City
Official Description: “Acquire all of the Gang Upgrades.”
Type: Silver
Earned on: August 16th, 2020
Overall Earned: #1394

All the side activities had me rolling in the money! Buying all of the gang upgrades made my Rooks an unstoppable force of vigilante justice in London.
Trophy 36: Furious
Official Description: “Destroy twenty vehicles by ramming them.”
Type: Bronze
Earned on: August 16th, 2020
Overall Earned: #1395

At level 10 with all the skills and the Templar carriages weakened by the Rook sabotage Gang Upgrade, this trophy for ramming 20 carriages off the streets came easily.
Trophy 37: Opium Scourge
Official Description: “Affect at least four enemies simultaneously with the Hallucinogenic Dart.”
Type: Bronze
Earned on: August 22nd, 2020
Overall Earned: #1396

Four hapless enemies were huddled around a fire during Pearl Attaway’s Friendly Competition mission for Jacob in Sequence 5 (the one where you blow something up with a cart). It was simply a matter of shooting a Hallucinogenic Dart into the fire and watching the chaos as the trophy popped.
Trophy 38: The Perils of Business
Official Description: “Complete Memory Sequence 5.”
Type: Bronze
Earned on: August 22nd, 2020
Overall Earned: #1397

Business is indeed a coldblooded bitch! After taking some work for Pearl Attaway (mostly offing her competition), Jacob discovers she’s actually the cousin of the big bad Templar in control of London. He eavesdropped on an interesting chat between the pair.
Pearl found it quite amusing she was manipulating an Assassin to do her dirty work. So yeah… she had to die at the end of the sequence, obviously.
Her assassination mission was quite fun! I did all the optional objectives and the unique kill had Jacob crash through the glass ceiling on Pearl’s train car. Surprise, bitch!
Trophy 39: A Run on the Bank
Official Description: “Complete Memory Sequence 6.”
Type: Bronze
Earned on: August 22nd, 2020
Overall Earned: #1398

The Governor of the Bank of England, Phillip Twopenny, is Sequence 6’s Templar target. Even though Jacob is explicitly told not to kill him by Sgt. Abberline – only find evidence to prove how Twopenny aids the Templar gang that regularly robs the bank – Jacob decides to take him out anyway.
This mission was obviously designed to be played stealthy, but nah! The only optional objective was to find a secret passage to the vault. Nothing related to stealth or doing anything properly.
Since I was super over-leveled at this point, I ignored all the unique kill stuff, murdered my way to the vault alerting everyone and everything, and then killed the target in a massive battle with almost every guard in the bank involved in the fight. I think Jacob would approve of my epic disregard for subtly!
I am also not responsible for the economic collapse this assassination mission caused. That’s all on Jacob and good on Evie for fixing everything after.
Trophy 40: Chimney Sweep
Official Description: “Synchronize every Viewpoint in London.”
Type: Bronze
Earned on: August 23rd, 2020
Overall Earned: #1399

I was wondering why I had all the Viewpoints in London synced and no trophy yet. Turns out there’s this weird alternate simulation Juno (first civilization digital lady) lures you into. This places you in World War I era London and in control of Lydia Frye the Assassin. I’m assuming she’s a descendant of one of the Frye twins. I rushed through this area so fast I didn’t notice anything explaining her character,
But yeah, this weird sub-simulation thingy had the last 3 viewpoints I needed.
Trophy Unlocks 41-50
Trophy 41: A Broad Base
Official Description: “Reach Loyalty level 1 with all Associates.”
Type: Bronze
Earned on: August 23rd, 2020
Overall Earned: #1400

The main objective of the World War I simulation is to undermine the Templar spies that are working with the German invaders. Lydia is working for none other than Winston Churchill himself. She keeps pestering him to give women the right to vote and I found that highly amusing.
Churchill counts as an official Associate and doing his bidding to protect London unlocked this trophy for getting all the Associates to level 1 Loyalty.
Trophy 42: The War at Home
Official Description: “Complete the World War I simulation.”
Type: Bronze
Earned on: August 23rd, 2020
Overall Earned: #1401

Whoa! Things got intriguing. Juno (in the form of a scary digital lady in the sky) explains what the hell she’s up to and her backstory as you complete each mission in the World War I simulation. At the end of it, Juno reveals to us that the Templar Master Spy who Lydia killed was the Sage of that era.
As I understand it, the Sage of each time period is Juno’s lover reincarnated. The now digitalized Juno is trying to track down her lover’s current human form. The First Civilization sure had some creative immortal people, eh?
Trophy 43: Look Out Below
Official Description: “Kill three enemies with a single stack of hanging barrels.”
Type: Bronze
Earned on: August 23rd, 2020
Overall Earned: #1402

This was another one of those corner case trophies that needed an opportunity to arise. On the mission where Greenie gets himself kidnaped and Evie has to rescue him, there was a group of guards conveniently standing in the kill radius of a stack of hanging barrels after I left the tunnels.
Trophy 44: All Is Fair in Politics
Official Description: “Complete Memory Sequence 7.”
Type: Bronze
Earned on: August 23rd, 2020
Overall Earned: #1403

Okay. I felt bad I didn’t do the bank assassination properly, so I followed the next one to the letter. This one required me to take out Lord Cardigan in the British Parliament (a big political windbag planning to assassinate the Prime Minister).
I did all the side objectives so killing him was a breeze. With the door password acquired from another minister, Jacob simply walks in to do the deed. I love how Jacbo says ‘oh, shut up‘ just before delivering the final blow.
Trophy 45: Without a Grudge
Official Description: “Destroy 5000 destructibles with your carriage”
Type: Bronze
Earned on: August 23rd, 2020
Overall Earned: #1404

Yep. This one is the definition of grind. I drove recklessly on all the sidewalks for what felt like forever and it eventually popped. I went through 2 carriages and had to turn my controller rumble off.
Trophy 46: No Ticket
Official Description: “Kick fifty enemies off of trains.”
Type: Bronze
Earned on: August 23rd, 2020
Overall Earned: #1405

This is Sparta! Sorry. I had to. This trophy for kicking guards off trains did not come naturally. I didn’t find many opportunities during the course of the game.
I kept reloading the first checkpoint of Sequence 2 and continuously kicked those guards off the train until the trophy popped. The hardest part was not accidentally murdering them outright since Evie was so powerful at this point.
Trophy 47: The Joys of Freedom
Official Description: “Complete Memory Sequence 8.”
Type: Bronze
Earned on: August 23rd, 2020
Overall Earned: #1406

Sequence 8 had another insane Templar jerk to take out. At first, Jacob and the leader of the Templar gang, Maxwell Roth, form a shaky friendship since they both seem to hate the Templar Grand Master Crawford Starrick. Roth quickly shows Jacob how insane he truly is after blowing up a factory with children trapped inside (Jacob thankfully saves them from the blaze).
Roth’s assassination mission takes place in an opera theatre. I made Jacob disguise himself with a mask, use the serving lady to poison Roth’s henchmen, and rescued the machinist. Then Jacob drags Roth up above the stage to take him out, as the opera theatre catches fire. Poor Jacob got a kiss goodbye from Roth and then I managed to get out of the burning building in under 90 seconds.
Trophy 48: Mentor
Official Description: “Reach 100% Sync in the Main Memories”
Type: Gold
Earned on: August 23rd, 2020
Overall Earned: #1407

I loved how the Starrick mission was handled. You swap back and fourth between Jacob and Evie at a fancy royal party where Starrick is planning to murder the monarchy.
Evie’s part involves tracking down the vault location and enduring a dance with the big bad Starrick. Jacob’s role is to take out Starrick’s snipers and deliver Evie’s equipment to her.
The duo eventually make it to the vault under the palace where they find Starrick has acquired the Shroud (a First Civilization artifact that makes the wearer immortal). The final fight has you swapping between Evie and Jacob while punching immortal Starrick. Many glorious punches later, they both team up to remove the Shroud and land the final blow on Starrick together. Such a perfect ending!
The trophy for completing all the optional objectives in the main story popped first. I made myself get all the optional objectives during my playthrough to prevent the need to go back.
Trophy 49: Shall We Dance?
Official Description: “Complete Memory Sequence 9.”
Type: Gold
Earned on: August 23rd, 2020
Overall Earned: #1408

Then the trophy for completing Sequence 9 popped! The twins decided the Shroud is too powerful and put it back in the vault. Queen Victoria knights the Assassins for saving her royal butt (she even saved a piece of cake from the party for Evie). Evie and Henry Green officially fall in love (meh) and the story ends with Jacob and Evie racing each other to the train. Gotta love that sibling rivalry.
Trophy 50: Master Assassin
Official Description: “Earn every other trophy.”
Type: Platinum
Earned on: August 23rd, 2020
Overall Earned: #1409

The game officially ends with a present cutscene. The present day Assassins have found the Shroud but a big battle with the Templars leaves Rebecca seemingly dying in Shawn’s arms after taking a bullet for him.
The present day Templars now have the Shroud and are planning to use it to revive a member of the First Civilization. Finally, the game ends with one of the Templars revealing they are actually working with Juno. Dun dun dun. Shiny platinum acquired!
Sources: All images in this post are screenshots we took with the PlayStation 4 from the video game Assassin’s Creed Syndicate by Ubisoft