Wasteland Workshop
Trophy 1: Docile
Official Description: Have 5 Tamed Creatures in a Settlement
Type: Bronze
Earned on: March 12th, 2023
Overall Earned: #2010

The Wastleand Workshop DLC adds the ability to capture creatures in cages. With the help of the beta wave emitter I was able to tame 5 mutant bugs at once.
Trophy 2: Instigator
Official Description: Start a Spectated Arena Fight in a Settlement
Type: Bronze
Earned on: March 12th, 2023
Overall Earned: #2011

The Wasteland Workshop also adds arenas! I made two settlers fight each other and then rang the gather bell so everyone could watch. I’m surprised one of them didn’t try to use my Power Armor.
Trophy 3: Trapper
Official Description: Build One of Every Cage Type
Type: Bronze
Earned on: March 12th, 2023
Overall Earned: #2012

It took hours of material farming but I managed to find everything and built ALL the cages at once. My settlement almost ran out of space.