Dragon Age II: The Platinum Champion of Kirkwall

Trophy 41: Champion of Kirkwall

Official Description: Completed Dragon Age II.
Type: Silver
Earned on: September 30th, 2021
Overall Earned: #1673

Pwning Meredith turns her into some kinda creepy shriveled red lyrium husk thing. The shell-shocked Templars just let my Hawke walk away and that’s it for the story!

Trophy 42: Epic

Official Description: Completed Dragon Age II twice, or completed it once with a save imported from Dragon Age Origins.
Type: Gold
Earned on: September 30th, 2021
Overall Earned: #1674

Before the credits roll (to the awesome tune of I’m Not Calling You a Liar by Florence + the Machine, I might add) Varric finishes his story and Cassandra lets him leave. The Mage Circles have all rebelled because of the events that unfolded in Kirkwall and the Chantry is trying to bring peace to the land once again. Cassandra believes Hawke is only person who can do this so she’s trying to track them down.

Trophy 43: Mercenary

Official Description: Allied yourself with the mercenaries upon arriving in Kirkwall.
Type: Bronze
Earned on: September 30th, 2021
Overall Earned: #1675

And time to make a generic male mage Hawke to go after the shiny trophies I missed! I’ve never done a mage playthrough before so it was cool (in a sad way) to see Bethany gets killed by the ogre instead of Carver. I’ve never gotten to know Carver before so that was neat.

Since I did the smuggler path last time, I chose the mercs this time. It was as simple as killing a jerk and reporting back.

Trophy 44: Flirtatious

Official Description: Flirted with one of your party members and began a romance.
Type: Bronze
Earned on: October 2nd, 2021
Overall Earned: #1676

I set up my mage Hawke with Fenris since I thought it would a hilarious case of opposites attract. Plus I sided with the Templars a lot for another trophy and Fenris highly approves of doing that.

Trophy 45: Mage Hunter

Official Description: Sided with the templars five times.
Type: Silver
Earned on: October 2nd, 2021
Overall Earned: #1677

I think the hardest part of siding with the Templars was turning Feynriel into a Tranquil (dangerous mages have all their feelings removed to become Tranquil) . Sorry, dude!

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