Dragon Age II: The Platinum Champion of Kirkwall

Trophy 11: Talented

Official Description: Upgraded a spell or talent
Type: Bronze
Earned on: September 17th, 2021
Overall Earned: #1643

Got this one for upgrading Mighty Blow to Killer Blow. Yay for more punishing pwning power!

Trophy 12: Full House

Official Description: Recruited four party members.
Type: Bronze
Earned on: September 18th, 2021
Overall Earned: #1644

Dammit, Anders! Yep. The militant mage who probably means well was my 4th party recruit. I liked him much better in Dragon Age: Origins – Awakening. His cat Ser Pounce-a-lot was the best.

Trophy 13: Explorer

Official Description: Left Kirkwall to explore the outlying regions.
Type: Bronze
Earned on: September 18th, 2021
Overall Earned: #1645

The first generic wilderness area I explored was the Bone Pit. Gotta save those miners from dragons and their horrible boss!

Trophy 14: Knowledgeable

Official Description: Unlocked 100 codex entries.
Type: Bronze
Earned on: September 19th, 2021
Overall Earned: #1646

Codex entry #100 was Captain Reiner’s Accounting records while I was on the hunt for an escaped circle mage named Feynriel. Death to slavers!

Trophy 15: Dedicated

Official Description: Reached Level 10.
Type: Bronze
Earned on: September 19th, 2021
Overall Earned: #1647

Reached level 10 in generic cave layout #1 while rescuing Feynriel.

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