Season: A Letter to the Trophies

Trophy 6: Grey Hands Praxis 101

Official Description: Begin your political education
Type: Silver
Earned on: March 4th, 2023
Overall Earned: #1988

Grabbing a pamphlet from a Grey Hands registration area got me this trophy! I’m honestly not sure how I feel about the Grey Hands. The dude at the gate seemed cool and all, but I got some authoritarian government organization vibes the more I learned of their activities.

Trophy 7: Music for Cows

Official Description: Play a herd of cows their favorite genre of music
Type: Bronze
Earned on: March 4th, 2023
Overall Earned: #1989

Moo! The cows were so cute and Estelle could pet them. I loved that turning the radio on for them got me a trophy. Their owners had to abandon them so I really hope they moo-ved out of the valley before it got flooded at the end.

Trophy 8: Emotional Baggage Handler

Official Description: Help Sophon pack the last of her things
Type: Bronze
Earned on: March 4th, 2023
Overall Earned: #1990

Another sad side tale. Estelle runs into a mother and son duo. The father had died and Estelle has to help the mother choose what mementos of her late husband to take with her during the evacuation.

Trophy 9: Tour de Tieng

Official Description: Follow a little kid on a bike tour of the valley
Type: Bronze
Earned on: March 4th, 2023
Overall Earned: #1991

After the last quest, the son takes Estelle on a bike tour of the valley if you choose to follow. Estelle learns a lot about the dad and the kid found some peace at the end.

Trophy 10: Dream Listener

Official Description: Listen to your friend’s weird but meaningful dream
Type: Bronze
Earned on: March 4th, 2023
Overall Earned: #1992

Estelle chilled on a bench and I was given the option to listen to the recording she made with her friend Pate. Dreams are really something!

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