Collecting PlayStation trophies is one of my favourite video game hobbies. I enjoy recording my trophy journeys in the form of scrapbook articles on Strength in Sarcasm because why not! Here’s the details on the gathering of my Dragon Age: Origins DLC trophies.
SPOILER WARNING in case I need to say it. I’ll be talking about the game’s trophies, which includes plot ruining details if you haven’t played the game yet.

Warden’s Keep
Trophy 1: Diabolist
Official Description: Took advantage of Avernus’s research (“Warden’s Keep” downloadable content)
Type: Bronze
Earned on: January 17th, 2021
Overall Earned: #1442

When in doubt always drink any strange potions you find in a crazy mage’s demon-filled keep! It unlocked some special abilities for my Grey Warden. I just won’t think about where the research for came from.
Trophy 2: Master of the Peak
Official Description: Completed “Soldier’s Peak” (“Warden’s Keep” downloadable content)
Type: Bronze
Earned on: January 17th, 2021
Overall Earned: #1443

Warden’s Keep DLC complete! I spared the crazy-insane blood mage man, but forbade him from experimenting on anymore innocent victims for his research. With massive army of darkspawn coming, my Grey Warden figured Ferelden could use all the help it can get.
Return to Ostagar
Trophy 1: In War, Victory
Official Description: Defeated the ogre that killed King Cailan (“Return to Ostagar” downloadable content)
Type: Bronze
Earned on: January 17th, 2021
Overall Earned: #1444

This one takes the Warden back to Ostagar to lay King Cailan’s body to rest while unleashing some vengeance on the darkspawn that killed him and your old mentor Duncan. You get sweet vengeance and loot to boot!
The Stone Prisoner
Trophy 1: Rock and a Hard Place
Official Description: Completed “The Golem in Honnleath” (“The Stone Prisoner” downloadable content)
Type: Bronze
Earned on: January 19th, 2021
Overall Earned: #1445

I love Shale the indifferent golem so much! She is so awesome and sarcastic. The quest to reactivate her went pretty alright this playthrough. I was able to save the little girl from the demon and all it took was solving a puzzle that Google helped me with. Thanks Google!
Trophy 2: Stone’s Lament
Official Description: Completed “A Golem’s Memories” (“The Stone Prisoner” downloadable content)
Type: Bronze
Earned on: February 12th, 2021
Overall Earned: #1459

Caridin gave Shale the golem quite the revelation! Finishing the main Deep Roads stuff unlocked Shale’s companion quest to find out about her origins as a fleshy dwarf. Cadash Thaig, Shale’s former home, is a lovely place once all the monsters have been killed.
Trophy 1: Savior of Kal’Hirol
Official Description: Destroyed the broodmothers in Kal’Hirol (“Dragon Age: Origins – Awakening” expansion)
Type: Bronze
Earned on: March 27th, 2021
Overall Earned: #1482

Onward to Amaranthine! The first main mission in the Awakening expansion I completed was the one where you meet Sigrun and drop a big heavy object on a batch of broodmothers. Shudders.
Trophy 2: Blind Vengeance
Official Description: Escaped the silverite mines (“Dragon Age: Origins – Awakening” expansion)
Type: Bronze
Earned on: March 27th, 2021
Overall Earned: #1483

Main Mission 2 was to sooth an Velanna’s need to for vengeance, meet a good-ish self-aware darkspawn called The Architect, and bust out of a creepy experimental prison place. Oh! And fighting two adorable dragons at the end was cool.
Trophy 3: The Enduring Vigil
Official Description: Acquired all upgrades for Vigil’s Keep (“Dragon Age: Origins – Awakening” expansion)
Type: Bronze
Earned on: March 27th, 2021
Overall Earned: #1484

This one was for paying a nice dwarf to reinforce the walls of my keep and getting Master Wade enough minerals to forge my guards some sweet armor. All prepared for the final battle!
Trophy 4: Commander of the Grey
Official Description: Reached level 30 (“Dragon Age: Origins – Awakening” expansion)
Type: Bronze
Earned on: March 27th, 2021
Overall Earned: #1485

I did a ton of side content and made it to level 32 by the time the expansion was over.
Trophy 5: Pride Before The Fall
Official Description: Defeated the baroness (“Dragon Age: Origins – Awakening” expansion)
Type: Bronze
Earned on: March 27th, 2021
Overall Earned: #1486

The third and final mission in Awakening was the one in the swamp. This required a bad trip through the fade, killing a controlling bitch, and a spirit possessing the corpse of the dude I was looking for became my final companion. Justice was served!
Trophy 6: Amaranthine’s Last Hope
Official Description: Saved the city of Amaranthine (“Dragon Age: Origins – Awakening” expansion)
Type: Bronze
Earned on: March 28th, 2021
Overall Earned: #1487

You are left with a rather tough choice at the end of Awakening. My preference is to save the City of Amaranthine and have my super pimped out Vigil’s Keep defend itself.
Trophy 7: Awakening
Official Description: Completed Dragon Age: Origins – Awakening (“Dragon Age: Origins – Awakening” expansion)
Type: Gold
Earned on: March 28th, 2021
Overall Earned: #1488

The final boss of the expansion makes broodmothers look adorable. Ugh. The Mother was one seriously freaky monster. I kept Mr. Architect alive since I am convinced he will figure out how to end the Blights for good. What could possibly go wrong by letting him live?
Trophy 8: Keeper of the Vigil
Official Description: Saved Vigil’s Keep (“Dragon Age: Origins – Awakening” expansion)
Type: Bronze
Earned on: March 28th, 2021
Overall Earned: #1489

Time to save scum the other choice at the end of the game! Sorry City of Amaranthine but at least all my Grey Warden’s friends are safe.
Darkspawn Chronicles
Trophy 1: Enthralling
Official Description: Earned maximum approval from all thrall types. (“Darkspawn Chronicles” downloadable content)
Type: Bronze
Earned on: April 5th, 2021
Overall Earned: #1490

Oh man… the Darkspawn Chronicles DLC is the definition of being an evil asshole. Basically, it takes place in an alternate universe during the final battle for Denerim. In this universe, your Grey Warden doesn’t exist and you’re in control of a Hurlock Vanguard on Team Archdemon.
As the Vanguard you can recruit (and kill off) various types of darkspawn units in your party. These thralls also have approval meters that go up with heartless kills and gifts you find along the way. I managed to recruit and prove my evilness to all types during my first go.
Trophy 2: Bane of Thedas
Official Description: Handed victory to the archdemon by killing Ferelden’s last Grey Warden. (“Darkspawn Chronicles” downloadable content)
Type: Bronze
Earned on: April 5th, 2021
Overall Earned: #1491

The hardest part of this DLC is having to brutally murder all the beloved companions you met during the main game, that’s for damn sure. I’d like to note the the fact I’m fighting werewolves and golems means Alistair made some pretty terrible choices during his journey.
Yep. My Grey Warden was definitely needed.
Trophy 3: Ogre’s Keeper
Official Description: Keep the initial ogre alive as your thrall throughout the entire module. (“Darkspawn Chronicles” downloadable content)
Type: Silver
Earned on: April 5th, 2021
Overall Earned: #1492

Ugh. This one was a bit glitched for me and required another run through the DLC to unlock. Apparently, the game doesn’t count it if you don’t recruit the Ogre BEFORE finishing the quest to recruit him. So yeah, I just had to enthrall him before I killed the guards attacking him at the start. Weird.
It was funny in the worst possible way when my dear Ogre kicked the shit out of Alistair to finish the DLC. Yes, I am a terrible person!
Leliana’s Song
Trophy 1: Vendetta
Official Description: Destroyed the career of Guard Captain Eams. (“Leliana’s Song” downloadable content)
Type: Bronze
Earned on: April 9th, 2021
Overall Earned: #1493

It’s all about twisted manipulation game in Orlais… apparently! Maker, I’d be miserable there.
This DLC shows the grand betrayal that happened between Leliana and her ex Marjolaine back in the day. Optional Mission 1 was to utterly destroy the reputation of Guard Captain Eams by stealing things, killing jerks, and causing other misc. havoc in Denerim’s Market District.
Trophy 2: Provocateur
Official Description: Collected and assembled the Battledress of the Provocateur. (“Leliana’s Song” downloadable content)
Type: Bronze
Earned on: April 9th, 2021
Overall Earned: #1494

There were 6 Masterwork Leather Pieces hidden in various areas in this DLC. I shamelessly followed a guide to make sure I didn’t miss any. Definitely a sweet armor set for the betrayed bard! She so deserves it after all that.
Trophy 3: Turning Point
Official Description: Heard Leliana’s version of her betrayal. (“Leliana’s Song” downloadable content)
Type: Bronze
Earned on: April 9th, 2021
Overall Earned: #1495

To finish off the DLC, Leliana gently nudges evil Commander Raleigh off a cliff and falls short of being able to kill Marjolaine. I get it! If she did, she knows she would be no better than Marjolaine.
True love is insanely complicated, messy as hell, and usually turns into anything but sunshine and rainbows, that’s for sure. Still, it would have been nice to have the option to send Marjolaine flying off the cliff behind Raleigh. THIS IS FERELDEN!! kicks
The Golems of Amgarrak
Trophy 1: A Secret Stitched Together
Official Description: Gathered all of the research notes in Amgarrak (“The Golems of Amgarrak” downloadable content)
Type: Bronze
Earned on: April 9th, 2021
Overall Earned: #1496

This DLC is like Resident Evil meets Metroid. Lots of backtracking and creepy freaking experimental abominations. Scary. At least the lyrium induced haze colours were pretty!
Anyway, one of the companions for this quest in the Deep Roads is a golem. I found all the research notes hidden in the area to fully upgrade the big fella. Totally necessary for the next trophy, I might add.
Trophy 2: Grim Reaper
Official Description: Defeated the Harvester on Hard or Nightmare difficulty (“The Golems of Amgarrak” downloadable content)
Type: Bronze
Earned on: April 10th, 2021
Overall Earned: #1497

I had been playing the game on Casual difficulty this whole time so I knew ramping it up to Hard (no thank you, Nightmare mode) for a brutal end-DLC boss fight wasn’t going to be fun
It kicked my ass a few times, but once I started using those tactics thingys and tweaked them A LOT for this situation (I’ve always ignored them up until this point) the horrible Harvester went down easily on Hard mode. It also helped that I had 100+ health potions that came along for the ride when I imported my Grey Warden into the DLC.
Trophy 3: Reaper
Official Description: Defeated the Harvester (“The Golems of Amgarrak” downloadable content)
Type: Bronze
Earned on: April 10th, 2021
Overall Earned: #1498

One action for two trophies! I love it when that happens. This trophy is earned when you beat the DLC on any difficulty. I really don’t like seeing an army of small Harvesters being unleashed upon the world at the end. Yikes.
Witch Hunt
Trophy 1: A Time of Wood and Stone
Official Description: Gathered the lost lore of Cadash Thaig (“Witch Hunt” downloadable content)
Type: Bronze
Earned on: April 10th, 2021
Overall Earned: #1501

This one if about finding out where Morrigan went after the main game. I made sure to find all the missable lore pieces for this trophy while tracking down ancient elven lanterns in Cadash Thaig.
Trophy 2: Through the Looking Glass
Official Description: Completed the scrying ritual (“Witch Hunt” downloadable content)
Type: Bronze
Earned on: April 10th, 2021
Overall Earned: #1502

Morrigan is after ancient elven mirrors and she might be near one! That was the reason for doing a scrying ritual thingy with a broken mirror piece from the Dalish Warden origin story.
Trophy 3: Varterral’s Fall
Official Description: Defeated the varterral on Hard or Nightmare difficulty (“Witch Hunt” downloadable content)
Type: Bronze
Earned on: April 10th, 2021
Overall Earned: #1503

The final boss of this DLC is much, much easier to beat on Hard difficulty than the horrible Harvester was. It almost felt like I was still playing on Casual. And no, I’m not complaining and will never put it on Nightmare.
Trophy 4: Witch Hunter
Official Description: Completed “Witch Hunt” (“Witch Hunt” downloadable content)
Type: Bronze
Earned on: April 10th, 2021
Overall Earned: #1504

This DLC arguably left me with more questions than answers regarding what the hell Morrigan is doing. I consider her a close friend so I trust her and will let her do her sketchy stuff in peace.
Sources: All images in this post are screenshots we took with the PlayStation 3 from the video game Dragon Age: Origins created by BioWare