Collecting PlayStation trophies is one of my favourite video game hobbies. I enjoy recording my trophy journeys in the form of scrapbook articles on Strength in Sarcasm because why not! Here’s the details on my Fallout: New Vegas platinum trophy quest.
SPOILER WARNING in case I need to say it. I’ll be talking about all the game’s trophies, which includes plot ruining details if you haven’t played the game yet.

Trophy Unlocks 1-10
Trophy 1: Ain’t That a Kick in the Head
Official Description: Completed Ain’t That a Kick in the Head.
Type: Bronze
Earned on: November 7th, 2021
Overall Earned: #1730

Wow. Doc Mitchell is one hell of a physician! After your character gets shot in the head and buried in the intro scene, he manages to revive you (after a cool cowboy robot digs you up, pardner). Definitely one of the craziest main character origin stories I’ve ever seen in a game.
Every Fallout game I’ve played seems to kick off with you trying to catch up to someone, and this time it’s the asshat who tried to kill you.
Trophy 2: Jury Rigger
Official Description: Repaired 30 items.
Type: Bronze
Earned on: November 7th, 2021
Overall Earned: #1731

The good ol’ over-encumbered warning is something I see quite often in Fallout games. I want to pick up all the things and sell them, but alas!
One thing I do to carry more stuffs is merge like items by repairing them. This got me the Jury Rigger trophy about 2 hours in without even trying.
Trophy 3: Come Fly With Me
Official Description: Completed Come Fly With Me.
Type: Bronze
Earned on: November 14th, 2021
Overall Earned: #1732

A random ghoul cult in the REPCONN Test Site had their sights set on new horizons (including their odd human comrade who also thought he was a ghoul, smooth skins).
After I cleared out some pesky Nightkins (stealth capable super mutants… yikes) in the facility’s basement, I helped the ghouls achieve their dreams of being launched into some kinda promised land. I’m sure that ended well for them. Probably.
Trophy 4: They Went That-a-Way
Official Description: Completed They Went That-a-Way.
Type: Silver
Earned on: November 14th, 2021
Overall Earned: #1733

Back on the main quest of tracking down Benny the jerk who shot my character in the head, I ended up in Boulder City. NCR (New California Republic) troops had a group of Great Khans (tribe of thugs) cornered in a building.
I settled the situation peacefully and their leader, Jessup, told me Benny had my Platinum Chip in the Strip. He was with Benny when he shot my character in the head. Glad Benny betrayed them!
Trophy 5: New Kid
Official Description: Reached 10th level.
Type: Bronze
Earned on: November 28th, 2021
Overall Earned: #1734

Dinged level 10 from a Giant Rat in a cave on some side quest to help some lady get her money back so she could pay off her debt to the Atomic Wrangler Casino.
Trophy 6: Ol’ Buddy Ol’ Pal
Official Description: Recruited a companion.
Type: Bronze
Earned on: November 28th, 2021
Overall Earned: #1735

Poor Boone. His wife was horrifically murdered by Caesar’s Legion after a bitch in Novac sold her out. I helped Boone get his revenge and he joined me as my first companion.
Trophy 7: Crafty
Official Description: Crafted 20 items.
Type: Bronze
Earned on: November 28th, 2021
Overall Earned: #1736

Breaking down some .22 LR was the 20th thing I crafted. Technically I destroyed rather than created, but I’ll take the trophy!
Trophy 8: Know When to Fold Them
Official Description: Won 3 games of Caravan.
Type: Bronze
Earned on: November 28th, 2021
Overall Earned: #1737

Ugh! Card games within other games are not my favourite thing at all. I looked up a guide to find a cheese strategy that almost always works without much thought on my part. Phew! There is another trophy for winning 30 games of Caravan so that was a grind.
Trophy 9: G.I. Blues
Official Description: Completed G.I. Blues.
Type: Bronze
Earned on: December 8th, 2021
Overall Earned: #1738

Why thank you, King, thank you very much (read that in an Elvis accent). I found it pretty freaking hilarious there’s a gang of Elvis impersonators in charge of Freeside. They have no idea who the old world King is and seem to think the people of the old world worshipped him or something.
Anyway, helping them make peace with the NCR was the gist of their questline.
Trophy 10: No Tumbler Fumbler
Official Description: Picked 25 locks.
Type: Bronze
Earned on: December 12th, 2021
Overall Earned: #1739

Vault 3 is under the control of some pretty brutal Raiders. I talked my way inside telling them I was selling drugs. While inside, I found an NCR Ranger on a mission to kill their leader, and of course I had to help. Along the way I unlocked a random door the turned out to be my 25th unlocked thing.
Trophy Unlocks 11-20
Trophy 11: One Armed Bandit
Official Description: Played 10 spins of Slots.
Type: Bronze
Earned on: December 18th, 2021
Overall Earned: #1740

Once I finally entered the New Vegas Strip, I decided to knock out a few of the easy trophies for playing the casino games 10 times. You don’t even have to win! Thank you for the participation trophies, game. First up was slots.
Trophy 12: Double Down
Official Description: Played 10 hands of Blackjack.
Type: Bronze
Earned on: December 18th, 2021
Overall Earned: #1741

I don’t know jack about Blackjack!
Trophy 13: Little Wheel
Official Description: Played 10 spins of Roulette.
Type: Bronze
Earned on: December 18th, 2021
Overall Earned: #1742

Right round, right round!
Trophy 14: Up and Comer
Official Description: Reached 20th level.
Type: Silver
Earned on: December 28th, 2021
Overall Earned: #1743

Reuniting Rhonda and Tabitha on Black Mountain was the last bit of XP I needed for level 20. I have to say I love the friendly Super Mutants in this game!
Trophy 15: You Run Barter Town
Official Description: Sold 10,000 caps worth of goods.
Type: Bronze
Earned on: December 28th, 2021
Overall Earned: #1744

I love selling all the things!! This trophy finally popped when I was dealing with the Arms Merchant in 188 Trading Post.
Trophy 16: The Whole Gang’s Here
Official Description: Recruited all companions.
Type: Silver
Earned on: December 28th, 2021
Overall Earned: #1745

Veronica the incognito Brotherhood of Steel scribe was my last recruit at the 188 Trading Post. She loves punching things so she’s definitely my spirit companion!
I… uh, may have exploded the Brotherhood of Steel and haven’t been brave enough to see how she feels about that yet. Sorry! Mr. House, NCR, and The Legion all made me do it. 😔
Trophy 17: The Courier Who Broke the Bank
Official Description: Got banned from all the Strip’s casinos.
Type: Silver
Earned on: December 28th, 2021
Overall Earned: #1746

Rude! Apparently, you can only win a set amount of caps before the 3 casinos on the Strip ban you from playing their games. I made off with a total of 34,000 caps so can’t complain.
The casino games are heavily influenced by the Luck stat. I needed 8 (7 + the Naughty Nightwear outfit) to successfully cleanout the Strip using the Blackjack tables. I know nothing about Blackjack so that should say how much the Luck stat helps.
Also, the Ultra-Luxe is creepy af and I’m never going back in there. Let’s just say I had to rescue someone from their freezer before he became dinner…. cannibals, man.
Trophy 18: Ring-a-Ding-Ding
Official Description: Completed Ring-a-Ding-Ding.
Type: Silver
Earned on: December 28th, 2021
Overall Earned: #1747

Finally back on the main quest, Mr. House sent me to recover the Platinum Chip from Benny however I wanted.
I went in peacefully at first. When I got him alone in his room, I remembered he almost killed me at the start of the game so Veronica and I punched him out of the picture to recover the Platinum Chip.
Trophy 19: Outstanding Orator
Official Description: Made 50 Speech challenges.
Type: Bronze
Earned on: December 28th, 2021
Overall Earned: #1748

Speech check #50 was convincing Pearl, the leader of the Boomers, I wanted to help them (and ideally not get blown up by them anymore). My poor character had to limp into that conversation.
Trophy 20: That Lucky Old Sun
Official Description: Completed That Lucky Old Sun.
Type: Bronze
Earned on: December 28th, 2021
Overall Earned: #1749

Ugh. ‘Fantastic’ is a dumbass entitled prick who the NCR hired to get a solar power station back online (after they drove out the Brotherhood of Steel, of course). I helped the jerk get the power grid online and didn’t use its hidden weapon of mass destruction feature, as tempting as that was.
Trophy Unlocks 21-30
Trophy 21: Walker of the Mojave
Official Description: Discovered 50 locations.
Type: Bronze
Earned on: December 28th, 2021
Overall Earned: #1750

Location #50 for me was Callville Bay. I was there to float an old bomber airplane for the Boomers.
Trophy 22: Volare!
Official Description: Completed Volare!
Type: Bronze
Earned on: December 28th, 2021
Overall Earned: #1751

Earning the loyalty of the Boomers means their bombs will be aimed at my enemies instead of me. Mwahaha!
Trophy 23: Globe Trotter
Official Description: Discovered all snow globes.
Type: Silver
Earned on: December 29th, 2021
Overall Earned: #1752

There are 7 of these adorable little Snow Globe collectibles hidden around the world, usually in historically significant locations. The last one I picked up was in the Hoover Dam Visitor Center.
You can also sell each of these to Mr. House’s fem-securitron, Jane, for 2k caps a pop. Sold!
Trophy 24: New Vegas Samurai
Official Description: Caused 10,000 damage with Melee Weapons.
Type: Bronze
Earned on: December 29th, 2021
Overall Earned: #1753

Oh, man… I wandered into a mining area with no less than 9,000 Deathclaws roaming around. My Super Sledge and I fought valiantly and took out a few, but we were eventually maimed by the mob. At least the trophy for 10K melee damage popped before the death screen!
Trophy 25: Talent Pool
Official Description: Completed Talent Pool.
Type: Bronze
Earned on: December 29th, 2021
Overall Earned: #1754

Even this depressing nuked wasteland needs some lively entertainment! This quest in the Tops casino was an easy “go find these people” type of deal. You can actually see each person perform their act, which is a really cool touch.
Trophy 26: Return to Sender
Official Description: Completed Return to Sender.
Type: Bronze
Earned on: December 30th, 2021
Overall Earned: #1755

Traitor! After following a distressing trail of misinformation within the NCR, I discovered Chief Hanlon was sabotaging his own troops since he felt the Hoover Dam defense was a waste of lives and resources. I chose the option to turn him in, but he took his own life rather than face his crimes.
Trophy 27: Blast Mastery
Official Description: Caused 10,000 damage with Energy Weapons.
Type: Bronze
Earned on: January 8th, 2022
Overall Earned: #1756

A Giant Radscorpion I found while randomly exploring had the honor of being pwned by my 10,000th point of energy weapon damage.
Trophy 28: The Legend of the Star
Official Description: Completed The Legend of the Star.
Type: Bronze
Earned on: January 8th, 2022
Overall Earned: #1757

Yeehaw! This quest was actually pretty annoying. In the Sunset Sarsaparilla factory, a freaking creepy robotic cowboy greeter (if Toy Story was a horror story) sent me on a quest to find 50 star bottle caps. These were hidden all over the wasteland and almost impossible for me to see. I followed a guide for this one, that’s for sure.
Trophy 29: The Boss
Official Description: Reached 30th level.
Type: Silver
Earned on: January 8th, 2022
Overall Earned: #1758

Finding my true reward after finishing the Legend of the Star was all the XP I needed for level 30.
Trophy 30: Hack the Mojave
Official Description: Hacked 25 terminals.
Type: Bronze
Earned on: January 8th, 2022
Overall Earned: #1759

Mr. House instructed me to wipe the Brotherhood of Steel off the map. I felt really bad about it since I did all their quests and they liked me, but alas! A courier’s gotta do what a courier’s gotta do.
I used my l33t hacking skillz to send their base into self-destruct mode. That also happened to be my 25th terminal cracked. I never did figure out how this hacking game actually works. I always choose the first 3 words until it works.
Trophy Unlocks 31-40
Trophy 31: You’ll Know It When It Happens
Official Description: Completed You’ll Know It When It Happens.
Type: Bronze
Earned on: January 8th, 2022
Overall Earned: #1761

Mr. House sent me to protect the President of the NCR from a Legion assassination attempt at Hoover Dam. He doesn’t actually care about the NCR, but the balance of power would shift out of his favour if it happens. Something like that!
I failed epically at first when the President got a bullet in the head, and then consulted a guide. There are two big things I had to do: discreetly disarm a bomb a Legion-loyal engineer slipped on the President’s aircraft, and then take out a Legion sniper who offed an NCR guard on a nearby tower.
I also kept my eye on the engineer during the President’s long and windy speech. The guide said the engineer will go after the President with a knife if he knows you foiled the assassination plans. He didn’t dare this playthrough!
Trophy 32: The House Always Wins
Official Description: Completed The House Always Wins.
Type: Silver
Earned on: January 8th, 2022
Overall Earned: #1762

Final battle time! Mr. House instructed me to fight for the NCR at Hoover Dam and activate his Securitron forces with power from there.
Trophy 33: All or Nothing
Official Description: Completed All or Nothing.
Type: Bronze
Earned on: January 8th, 2022
Overall Earned: #1763

After a brutal battle and final fight with the Legion Legate (damn he hits hard) the Battle for Hoover Dam was won. I enforced a new treaty on the NCR on behalf of Mr. House and that was that. The credits said Mr. House treated my courier like royalty while he built up his control over the Strip. There are worse dictators out there!
Trophy 34: Arizona Killer
Official Description: Completed Arizona Killer.
Type: Bronze
Earned on: January 12th, 2022
Overall Earned: #1764

Save scumming time! There are 4 possible endings to this game with trophies tied to each of them. I definitely didn’t feel like doing 4 full playthroughs, so I reloaded an earlier save and took the Legion path to get it over with.
After killing the defrosted husk of Mr. House and saving Caesar from a brain tumor (was so tempting to ‘accidentally’ kill him), he sent me to assassinate the President of the NCR. It felt weird to be on the other side of that quest! I used an NCR disguise and rigged the President’s aircraft with a crashing flight plan to off the guy. Sorry NCR!
Trophy 35: Render Unto Caesar
Official Description: Completed Render Unto Caesar.
Type: Silver
Earned on: January 12th, 2022
Overall Earned: #1765

Instead of helping the NCR hold the Hoover Dam, I was now on the Legion side attacking it. As much as I hate the asshole, I gotta admit Legate Lanius looks pretty badass. I was at least happy he was on my side this time!
Trophy 36: Veni, Vidi, Vici
Official Description: Completed Veni, Vidi, Vici.
Type: Bronze
Earned on: January 12th, 2022
Overall Earned: #1766

After I killed General Lee Oliver, the dam was ours! It wasn’t easy, either. He had an army of troops in NCR power armor protecting him, but explosives were my friend.
The Legion drives the NCR outta New Vegas and rules with a stable iron fist. I found it odd Caesar rewarded my courier since she’s a woman, but whatever. He probably knows she’d wipe out his entire army if he pissed her off.
Trophy 37: For the Republic
Official Description: Completed For the Republic.
Type: Silver
Earned on: January 15th, 2022
Overall Earned: #1767

Back in save file time again! This time I followed the NCR path to the end working with General Lee Oliver to hold the dam and crush the Legion. This was much more my style.
Trophy 38: Eureka!
Official Description: Completed Eureka!
Type: Bronze
Earned on: January 15th, 2022
Overall Earned: #1768

This time I used my speech skillz to talk Legate Lanius into retreating so I didn’t have to fight him again. The NCR took control of New Vegas and enforced their rule of ordered bureaucracy on the land.
Trophy 39: Mod Machine
Official Description: Installed 20 weapon mods.
Type: Bronze
Earned on: January 29th, 2022
Overall Earned: #1769

I didn’t mod a single weapon in the game up until this point. I bought a ton of mods from the Gun Runners robo vendor to get this one. The last thing I did was a silenced 12.7mm Pistol.
Trophy 40: Caravan Master
Official Description: Won 30 games of Caravan.
Type: Silver
Earned on: January 29th, 2022
Overall Earned: #1770

Decided to get this grind out of the way too. I kept challenging Ringo of the Crimson Caravan while using my cheese strat. Ringo will let you keep playing against him, even when he runs out of caps.
Trophy Unlocks 41-51
Trophy 41: Old-Tyme Brawler
Official Description: Caused 10,000 damage with Unarmed weapons.
Type: Bronze
Earned on: January 30th, 2022
Overall Earned: #1774

My Courier freaking rocked the ‘bear trap on her fist’ weapon in the Dead Money DLC. Using it, I unleashed my 10,000th point of punching damage on a creepy Ghost Harvester in the casino area proper.
Trophy 42: Stim-ply Amazing
Official Description: Healed 10,000 points of damage with Stimpaks.
Type: Bronze
Earned on: January 30th, 2022
Overall Earned: #1775

Silly me got trapped in some poisonous mist near the end of the Dead Money DLC and I needed to inject a few Stimpaks to survive. I had to use a ton of Stimpaks during this DLC, now that I think on it.
Trophy 43: Master of the Mojave
Official Description: Discovered 125 locations.
Type: Silver
Earned on: February 5th, 2022
Overall Earned: #1780

The charming Yao Guai Cave in Zion (Honest Hearts DLC) was location #125 for me. Who doesn’t want to visit a cave full of vicious irradiated bears?
Trophy 44: Lead Dealer
Official Description: Caused 10,000 damage with Guns.
Type: Bronze
Earned on: February 6th, 2022
Overall Earned: #1784

Old World Blues is one hell of disturbing DLC. While fighting off a bunch of rabid cyber-doggos with a weird gun with a doggo brain in it, I hit 10K gun damage.
Trophy 45: Love the Bomb
Official Description: Caused 10,000 damage with Explosives.
Type: Bronze
Earned on: February 19th, 2022
Overall Earned: #1791

Blowing up some Tunnelers in the Divide (Lonesome Road DLC) with a grenade launcher earned me the last explosive points of damage I needed for this trophy.
Trophy 46: Artful Pocketer
Official Description: Picked 50 pockets.
Type: Bronze
Earned on: February 25th, 2022
Overall Earned: #1800

Time for a fresh playthrough with Hardcore Mode on! Getting the last two of the grindy trophies out of the way was first on the agenda.
Instead of wandering around finding 50 pockets to pick successfully, I shamelessly took advantage of the glitched lady in the Vault 21 gift shop. Basically, she has a stick of bubblegum that you can never get, but it counts as a steal if you try to take it. If she catches you, you’re screwed so I made sure to do a quick save after every few “steals”, and then simply reload whenever she caught me. Only took like 20 minutes!
This game has crashed and glitched out on my countless times throughout my trophy quest so I consider this glitch compensation for that.
Trophy 47: Desert Survivalist
Official Description: Healed 10,000 points of damage with food.
Type: Bronze
Earned on: February 25th, 2022
Overall Earned: #1801

Ugh! This was the most annoying grind trophy of the bunch. It took several hours of wandering around buying food (I used the White Glove Society food guy in the Ultra Luxe until he glitched out on me) and killing irradiated wildlife to cook up.
Once I learned that you only needed to take a bit of damage and then eat everything in your inventory at once, things went slightly faster. You could theoretically gather 10K healing worth of various foods, take a point of damage, and then eat everything in one gulp to get this trophy.
Trophy 48: Wild Card
Official Description: Completed Wild Card.
Type: Silver
Earned on: February 25th, 2022
Overall Earned: #1802

The last path through the main game for me was Yes Man’s. The super agreeable fella is a smiley Securitron that Benny reprogrammed to help him take down Mr. House.
It follows the same main points as the other three paths, but you can ignore the NCR President’s assassination quest and dismiss all the other minor tribes as not worth your time. A real time saver! I was so glad I didn’t have to murder the Brotherhood of Steel for a 4th time.
Trophy 49: No Gods, No Masters
Official Description: Completed No Gods, No Masters.
Type: Bronze
Earned on: February 25th, 2022
Overall Earned: #1803

I chose to drive the Legion and NCR out of the dam instead of destroying it. My 100 speech skill talked the Legate into leaving (again), and I told Yes Man to throw General Lee Oliver off the Hoover Dam (which resulted in a cutscene where he comically cartwheeled to his doom… I felt awful for laughing).
New Vegas belongs to the people, dammit! ✊
Trophy 50: Hardcore
Official Description: Played the game from start to finish in Hardcore Mode.
Type: Gold
Earned on: February 25th, 2022
Overall Earned: #1804

The name of the mode sounds intimidating, but you can still play it on easy difficulty. Basically, you have new sleep, thirst and hunger meters to keep an eye on. If you don’t sleep, eat stuff and drink regularly, your character gets various levels of debuffs which will eventually kill ya. Your companions also perma-die instead of just passing out so it’s best to keep them out of harm’s way.
Oh, and the only way to heal broken limbs is by using a Doctor’s Bag or by visiting an actual doctor. That was the most annoying part of the challenge to me since my limbs seemed to explode during every encounter. I didn’t run into any fatal hunger, sleepiness or thirst problems at all.
Trophy 51: Platinum Trophy
Official Description: Collect all other 50 Trophies for this Trophy.
Type: Platinum
Earned on: February 25th, 2022
Overall Earned: #1805

That was quite a ride! Frequent glitched crashing aside, I loved this game quite a bit. Can’t go wrong with dark sarcastic humour and lots of pew pew.
Sources: All images in this post are screenshots we took with the PlayStation 3 from the video game Fallout: New Vegas created by Obsidian Entertainment and Bethesda Softworks