Metal Gear Solid 3: Platinum Eater

Trophy 31: Houston, We HAD a Problem

Official Description: Defeat The Fury
Type: Bronze
Earned on: October 24th, 2021
Overall Earned: #1714

Don’t ask me what this weird pyro-astronaut guy’s deal is because I have no idea. He torched my ass a few times before I was able to drain his stamina for the win! Doing that no kill run thing, as I keep mentioning.

Trophy 32: River of Pain

Official Description: Defeat The Sorrow
Type: Bronze
Earned on: October 24th, 2021
Overall Earned: #1715

Next crazy boss fight: a dead guy! Snake has some trippy spirit river dreams after getting his eye shot and almost drowning in a real river. Poor guy!

My haunted river was pretty empty since I didn’t kill any guards. Just the ghostly versions of past bosses to walk through until Snake dropped dead and I used a Revival Pill for the win.

Trophy 33: Don’t Touch the Sides

Official Description: Use a knife to remove a bullet
Type: Bronze
Earned on: October 24th, 2021
Overall Earned: #1716

Got this one during the fist fight with Volgin. Getting hit with a lightning bullet some jerk threw at you must hurt.

Trophy 34: Grounded

Official Description: Defeat Volgin in a fist fight
Type: Bronze
Earned on: October 24th, 2021
Overall Earned: #1717

This fight was a bit of a pain due to the time limit and the fact I had to stamina deplete him. His shield was so annoying! I managed to get him down in time, eventually. CQC throw and EZ Gun FTW!

Trophy 35: Shagadelic

Official Description: Defeat Shagohod
Type: Bronze
Earned on: October 24th, 2021
Overall Earned: #1718

Volgin survives the explosion meant to take out the Shagohod by driving it. He chases Snake and Eva (who are on a motorcycle) through the base before the final showdown with him. It took a bit of effort since I had to stamina deplete him yet again while being run over by a nuclear tank a lot.

Volgin gets fried by lightning in a cutscene to end him for good. Epic!

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