Metal Gear Solid 3: Platinum Eater

Trophy 26: Just What the Doctor Ordered

Official Description: Collect every type of medicinal plant
Type: Bronze
Earned on: October 17th, 2021
Overall Earned: #1709

It was hard to find so I needed the Thermal Goggles to see it, but Disinfect was my last medical plant acquired for this.

Trophy 27: Fungus Among Us

Official Description: Collect every type of mushroom
Type: Bronze
Earned on: October 17th, 2021
Overall Earned: #1710

Sundermount Passage in Act 2 was my 10th generic cave area visit. Nothing exciting to see here.

Trophy 28: You Snooze, You Lose

Official Description: Sneak up on The End and hold him up
Type: Silver
Earned on: October 17th, 2021
Overall Earned: #1711

With the power of reloading, me killing The End early totally didn’t happen.

This was an interesting boss fight, to say the least. It’s a game of patience and trying not to get Snake’s ass sniped by the old guy. I managed to sneak up on him and hold him up 3 times at once to also get the Moss uniform for another trophy. My biggest concern was The End running out of stamina before I got to him.

Trophy 29: A Good Man is Hard to Find

Official Description: Achieve a camouflage index of 100%
Type: Bronze
Earned on: October 17th, 2021
Overall Earned: #1712

I can barely see Snake in this screenshot! I used the Moss/Woodland camo combo in an area near where I held up The End.

Trophy 30: A Bird in the Hand…

Official Description: Collect every type of bird
Type: Bronze
Earned on: October 17th, 2021
Overall Earned: #1713

Sorry, birdos! I need shiny trophies.

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