Metal Gear Solid 3: Platinum Eater

Trophy 16: Them’s Good Eatin’

Official Description: Collect every type of frog
Type: Bronze
Earned on: October 17th, 2021
Overall Earned: #1699

Poor froggos. The last one I collected was Frog C who was swimmin’ ’round near some gators.

Trophy 17: Like He Just Doesn’t Care

Official Description: CQC Hold up an enemy
Type: Bronze
Earned on: October 17th, 2021
Overall Earned: #1700

Holding up is a bit tricky in Metal Gear Solid 3, but I got one guard freaked out enough to cough up his goods.

Trophy 18: Tell Me Where the Bomb Is

Official Description: CQC Interrogate an enemy
Type: Bronze
Earned on: October 17th, 2021
Overall Earned: #1701

Speak! Where is my trophy for doing this?? Good guard.

Trophy 19: Just Because

Official Description: Blow up a munitions shed with TNT
Type: Bronze
Earned on: October 17th, 2021
Overall Earned: #1702

Even if there wasn’t a trophy for blowing up a random shed I probably still would’ve. Why not?

Trophy 20: Tall Tale

Official Description: Collect every type of fish
Type: Bronze
Earned on: October 17th, 2021
Overall Earned: #1703

This trophy was as easy as shooting fish in a river.

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