Priority: Mass Effect 3 Platinum Trophy

Trophy 36: Well Connected

Official Description: Send a warning across the galaxy.
Type: Bronze
Earned on: May 17th, 2021
Overall Earned: #1564

Just when you think Cerberus can’t sink any lower, it turns out they were running a secret lab on Horizon. It was disguised as a refugee camp and hordes hapless victims were brutally experimented on inside. The ‘lucky’ survivors were turned into mindless Husks while the rest had their genetic material recycled. Yikes.

The whole purpose of the cruelty was to gather research datas on how Reaper Indoctrination works. Miranda’s heartless father was the head of the whole project.

I helped Miranda at various points in the game so she survived the cameo, killed her father and rescued her sister. That’s about as happy as that ending is going to get.

Trophy 37: Master and Commander

Official Description: Deliver most of the Galaxy at War assets to the final conflict.
Type: Silver
Earned on: May 17th, 2021
Overall Earned: #1565

Time to assault Cerberus HQ and get that damn prothean VI back! This mission sets off the whole end of the game so I got the trophy during Shepard’s crazy dream before the assault.

Trophy 38: Executioner

Official Description: Defeat an old adversary.
Type: Bronze
Earned on: May 17th, 2021
Overall Earned: #1566

Die Kai Leng!! He killed Thane so no forgiveness.

The prothean VI revealed that the Catalyst needed to finish the Crucible is the Citadel itself. Unfortunately, the Illusive Man informed the Reapers and the Citadel has been moved to Earth’s orbit to finish the human harvest. Final battle time!!

Trophy 39: Patriot

Official Description: Make the final assault.
Type: Bronze
Earned on: May 17th, 2021
Overall Earned: #1567

After the long intense battle on Earth, Shepard blacks out just before reaching the beam to the Citadel. A Reaper laser to the face will do that! This is also where things get weird… really weird.

Trophy 40: Legend

Official Description: Mission accomplished.
Type: Silver
Earned on: May 17th, 2021
Overall Earned: #1568

I chose the Destroy option this time around when the creepy Catalyst kid demanded I do something (aka the ‘Red Pill’). This wipes out all AI in the universe (including the Reapers, the good geth, and poor EDI) and also destroys the Mass Relay system (uh oh for intragalactic travel).

The Catalyst warns this option is far from ideal. The ultimate problem the Reapers were the solution to (synthetic life always rebelling against their organic creators) will eventually be a huge problem again.

My very first time beating the game on PC, I chose the Synthesis ending (aka the ‘Green Pill’). Evolving everyone in the galaxy to a higher form of being seemed like the best option. No form of life has to die and the past problems would never repeat. The big thing I hate about that ending is that Shepard definitely dies. Also, everyone glows in a creepy green colour.

Destroy it is!

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