Infamous 2: Platinum RFI Charging

Trophy 46: Get Nix’ed

Official Description: Choose Nix in Storm the Fort.
Type: Bronze
Earned on: May 23rd, 2022
Overall Earned: #1910

This time I used Bertand’s swap device to trade powers with Nix. Definitely more chaotic and explodey than Kuo’s iciness.

Trophy 47: The Cleaner

Official Description: Complete the assassination side missions.
Type: Bronze
Earned on: May 23rd, 2022
Overall Earned: #1911

Cole plays assassin for a bit in a series of bad karma side missions. At the end Cole is betrayed by the dude ordering the hits. Nix helps Cole cap the asshole. I found it quite amusing the mission was called Assassin’s Greed.

Trophy 48: Am I The Daddy?

Official Description: Complete Nix’s New Family.
Type: Bronze
Earned on: May 23rd, 2022
Overall Earned: #1912

Screw exposing Bertrand to the city and rescuing people! This time Cole helped Nix amass her army of swamp minions by saving them from Bertrand.

Trophy 49: Arch Villain

Official Description: Earn full negative Karma.
Type: Silver
Earned on: May 23rd, 2022
Overall Earned: #1913

Loads of civilians got caught in the crossfire when I was doing a Militia pwning side mission with Nix. That was the last bit of malevolence Cole needed for full evil. Mwahaha!!

Trophy 50: Pain Builds Character

Official Description: Finish the game on hard difficulty.
Type: Gold
Earned on: May 23rd, 2022
Overall Earned: #1914

Screw being selfless and sacrificing yourself to save pathetic humanity! Time to be a selfish jerk and side with Kuo and the Beast to wrap up the game. It was actually really fun flying around with the Beast and rampaging through the city. The killing Nix and Zeke part… not so fun. That was definitely harder morality wise than the hard difficulty. Enemies just took a little longer to kill so it wasn’t too bad.

Trophy 51: Forging Your Own Path

Official Description: Unlock the evil ending.
Type: Silver
Earned on: May 23rd, 2022
Overall Earned: #1915

With the RFI destroyed there’s now nothing that can stop the Beast from explosively awakening Conduits while normal humans die by the millions from the plague. However, John says he’s too tired to keep going and gives Cole his powers.

Evil Cole sees normal humans as lesser beings and Conduits are the evolutionary jump for the better. He has no problems murdering any of the weaker humans in his path…

Trophy 52: inFAMOUS 2 Platinum Trophy

Official Description: Collect all other inFAMOUS 2 Trophies
Type: Platinum
Earned on: May 23rd, 2022
Overall Earned: #1916

…because now Cole has become the Beast he sought to destroy. Mwahaha!

I think I enjoyed my evil playthrough a little too much. 😅

Sources: All images in this post are screenshots we took with the PlayStation 3 from the video game inFAMOUS 2 created by Sucker Punch Productions

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