Harold Halibut: Platinum Fedora Maintenance

Collecting PlayStation trophies is one of my favourite video game hobbies. I enjoy recording my trophy journeys in the form of scrapbook articles on Strength in Sarcasm because why not! Here’s the details on my Harold Halibut platinum quest.

Please note: THIS IS NOT A GUIDE. Feel free to ask me to point you in the right direction if you have any questions, though!

If you’d like to see my more… uh, structured opinion of this game, feel free to check out my official review. 🧐

SPOILER WARNING in case I need to say it. I’ll be talking about all the game’s trophies, which includes plot ruining details if you haven’t played the game yet.

Video Version

Trophy Unlocks 1-10

Trophy 1: Tubular!

Official Description: Make your first trip on the All Water tube.
Type: Bronze
Earned on: April 25th, 2024
Overall Earned: #2175

Travel between areas happens via literal tube (I have enough awesome UK friends to know subway systems are often referred to as “the tube” so ha). Everyone will probably get this one within the first 5 minutes of the game.

Trophy 2: Aprés Ski

Official Description: Try out Slippie’s ski slope.
Type: Bronze
Earned on: April 25th, 2024
Overall Earned: #2176

Before we all learn how much of a dumb selfish jerk Slippe the Air Con-man is, you can go simulation skiing in his shop.

Trophy 3: Certificate of Participation

Official Description: Participate in the station jog.
Type: Bronze
Earned on: April 25th, 2024
Overall Earned: #2177

Harold runs as well as I do… and trust me that’s not a compliment. Getting pwned in a jog got me a trophy though!

Trophy 4: Managing Upwards

Official Description: Update Mareaux about every step of the search for the Blue Rock.
Type: Bronze
Earned on: April 25th, 2024
Overall Earned: #2178

The rock that Harold and Professor Mareaux needed to research solar flare windows was stolen by a mysterious party. Oh noes!

Trophy 5: Neo-Luddite

Official Description: Try to pick up the sample directly from Brigitte.
Type: Bronze
Earned on: April 28th, 2024
Overall Earned: #2186

Yay! I accidentally took the long way and went directly to Bridgette which got me this trophy. In my defense, mindlessly fetching stuff for NPCs is the backbone of many games.

Trophy 6: A Slice of Life.

Official Description: Complete Chapter 1.
Type: Sliver
Earned on: April 28th, 2024
Overall Earned: #2187

Harold meets a mysterious unconscious fishy creature in the station’s filter system. I didn’t even notice them on the official art for the game so their intro was a total surprise to me. My inattention to detail pays off at last!

Trophy 7: Rubadubdub

Official Description: Listen to the Announcer under the shower.
Type: Bronze
Earned on: April 28th, 2024
Overall Earned: #2188

Every time you take the tube system (which is A LOT) the voice of the All Water announcer dude says corporate things. You meet him behind a closed shower door for this trophy.

Trophy 8: Clean Machine

Official Description: Clean all of the graffiti.
Type: Silver
Earned on: April 28th, 2024
Overall Earned: #2189

Do I even call this an minigame? Sometimes graffiti happens in the Lab District and Harold gets optionally tasked with cleaning it up. Not the most riveting gameplay but the animations looked neat.

Trophy 9: O Captain! My Captain!

Official Description: Support Captain-at-large Zoya during all walks of life.
Type: Silver
Earned on: April 28th, 2024
Overall Earned: #2190

The Fedora’s Captain by heir doesn’t really have much to do since the ship is stuck underwater. Chatting with him and giving some confidence boosts seemed to help him out.

Trophy 10: The Adventure Begins

Official Description: Complete Chapter 2.
Type: Silver
Earned on: April 28th, 2024
Overall Earned: #2191

Harold’s fishy friend Weeoo wakes up and takes Harold to their secret underwater cave home to meet all the other creatures. Their society is pretty chill.

Trophy Unlocks 11-20

Trophy 11: A New Shape of Soul

Official Description: Complete Chapter 3.
Type: Silver
Earned on: April 30th, 2024
Overall Earned: #2192

All Water Corp. finds out about Harold’s secret fishy friend and the pretty underwater cave area. Thankfully they just add a tube travel system and set up diplomatic relations with the sea creatures. I was worried they were going to pull some evil corporation crap at first, not gonna lie.

Trophy 12: Entertainment Onat Fan Club

Official Description: Watch Onat’s stage performance.
Type: Bronze
Earned on: April 30th, 2024
Overall Earned: #2193

Onat really gets into his performances! Good for him.

Trophy 13: Insider Trading

Official Description: Convince Warren to move Water Wieners to the Cave.
Type: Bronze
Earned on: April 30th, 2024
Overall Earned: #2194

Harold’s ex-girlfriend wants him to move Warren’s Water Wieners (yes, I’m immature and laughing like an idiot right now) to the cave area so her awful cupcakes can sell without competition. Good luck with that!

Trophy 14: The Plot Thickens

Official Description: Watch TV for 10 minutes.
Type: Bronze
Earned on: April 30th, 2024
Overall Earned: #2195

When I saw this was a trophy I parked Harold in the TV area and did some chores around my house for about 10 minutes. Easy!

Trophy 15: The Postman Always Rings Twice

Official Description: Read and deliver all of Buddy’s letters.
Type: Gold
Earned on: April 30th, 2024
Overall Earned: #2196

The perfect postman Buddy passes away and leaves Harold with the task of delivering a chain of lost letters. The last one is from Buddy himself. His last wish is to have one last station race with Chris via paper airplane letter from beyond the grave. Aw.

Trophy 16: A Winner Is You!

Official Description: Play Rapid Fly Zone Force for 2 Minutes.
Type: Bronze
Earned on: April 30th, 2024
Overall Earned: #2197

The arcade minigames are pretty easy and just playing Rapid Fly Zone for a combined total of 2 minutes did the trick.

Trophy 17: Luke Warm

Official Description: Help Slippie set up in the Energy District.
Type: Bronze
Earned on: April 30th, 2024
Overall Earned: #2198

Gr! Screw you Slippie, but thanks for the trophy for doing a super simple “puzzle” to help ya out.

Trophy 18: Busybody

Official Description: Listen to all of the gossip at Gertrude’s Bierzone.
Type: Bronze
Earned on: April 30th, 2024
Overall Earned: #2199

Gossip!! The two patrons of Gertrude’s Bierzone are always bantering about the station’s goings on. It was actually interesting listening to them chat.

Trophy 19: Slow Bro

Official Description: Enjoy the game at a leisurely pace (more than 15 hours play time.)
Type: Gold
Earned on: May 1st, 2024
Overall Earned: #2200

When I noticed this was a trophy, I had no idea how long the game actually was or how close I was to the end. To avoid reading any spoilers and just in case, I left the game running overnight and it was way more than enough for this trophy. Woo!

Trophy 20: Family Ties (And Uniforms)

Official Description: Untangle the story of the brothers.
Type: Gold
Earned on: May 3rd, 2024
Overall Earned: #2201

The four identical bros have a bit of a family feud going on. When they finally build a bridge and get over it, Harold gets to see their barbershop quartet style performance. Cool!

Trophy Unlocks 21-28

Trophy 21: Cultural Liaison

Official Description: Complete Chapter 4.
Type: Silver
Earned on: May 3rd, 2024
Overall Earned: #2202

In the underwater cave, there is a mysterious pit that super amazing energy particles are flowing from. After a fishy experiment, we learn any living thing that enters gets stun locked without proper protection. Harold and Weeoo get tasked with exploring the pit. Unfortunately, their protective gear fails they go through quite the trippy sequence of dream-like events.

Trophy 22: Chasing Dragons

Official Description: Complete Chapter 5.
Type: Silver
Earned on: May 3rd, 2024
Overall Earned: #2203

At the end of their bad trip, they fly out of the pit alongside some odd plant dragon thingy. Duuuuude.

Trophy 23: Justice Is a Dish Best Served Warm

Official Description: Complete Chapter 6.
Type: Sliver
Earned on: May 3rd, 2024
Overall Earned: #2204

Harold and Weeoo are greeted by Bridgette when they are pulled out of trippy dragon dreamland pit. The dazed pair are shocked to find out they were missing for a couple weeks. Whoa! Bridgette informs them that all contact with the Fedora has been lost and the tube system is down.

Thankfully, Bridgette was able to make a 3-person submarine to get the back to the Fedora. There they discover that Slippie sabotaged the relaunch project to freeze everything in a delusional attempt to create a winter wonderland, or something?

Eventually Slippie gets slapped and the day is saved! Since All Water had been messing with the perceived flow of time, they have another shot at getting the Fedora back into space.

Trophy 24: Home Is Where the Heart Is

Official Description: Complete the game.
Type: Gold
Earned on: May 6th, 2024
Overall Earned: #2209

When the big launch day finally arrives, Harold just can’t bring himself to leave Weeoo behind and decides to stay with them instead of blasting off with the Fedora crew. In the end scene Weeoo and Harold watch the Fedora leave. Then a sweet star constellation in the shape of Buddy’s face closes out the game.

Trophy 25: Exchanger Arranger

Official Description: Talk with everyone about the exchange.
Type: Gold
Earned on: May 6th, 2024
Overall Earned: #2210

Game done, cleanup time! Loading previous chapters is an easy thing to do. I guess I missed talking to someone about the cultural exchange and quickly fixed that.

Trophy 26: Rebel

Official Description: Attempt to leave the All Water Office 3 times.
Type: Bronze
Earned on: May 6th, 2024
Overall Earned: #2211

At the start of the game, Harold is in tube fare related trouble and needs to wait in the All Water office for a bit. There was a trophy for trying to leave the office 3 times. I never thought to try that!

Trophy 27: Forschergeist

Official Description: Complete the Notebook.
Type: Gold
Earned on: June 2nd, 2024
Overall Earned: #2219

Ugh! Forschergeist was definitely the most annoying trophy. For one, the trophy was glitched at launch and impossible to get until a patch. Two, missing a coffee related entry made me play through the last half of the game again. Three, the last chapter entries still didn’t work and I had to do that part again, again. Flipping through the completed notebook was a nice rewarding feeling, though!


Official Description: Obtain all of the Trophies
Type: Platinum
Earned on: June 2nd, 2024
Overall Earned: #2220

And that’s that! All the best to Harold, Weeoo, and the whole Fedora crew.

Sources: All images in this post are screenshots taken from the PlayStation 5 version of Harold Halibut by Slow Bros.

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