The Final Fantasy XV Platinum Trophy Road Trip

Trophy 41: Callings

Official Description: Completed Chapter 9.
Type: Bronze
Earned on: September 6th, 2021
Overall Earned: #1620

Altissia is quite the lovely city! It reminds me of the canals of Venice I’ve heard so much about. Unfortunately, I was pretty burned out on sidequests at this point so didn’t do much here other than the main story.

I aced the kingly diplomacy test and convinced the chancellor lady. She offers to help Noctis and Lunafreya summon the Leviathan on the condition he makes sure the civilians would be safe whenever the inevitable imperial attack happens. The dudes help the civilians while Noctis and Luna work on making a deal with the super cranky Leviathan before the imperials succeed in killing it.

The deal happens after a cool floating boss fight and Titan shows up to save the day in a cutscene. Oh, and the super sad thing. While all this was going on, Ardyn finally shows his true asshole colours and stabs Lunafreya. She uses her last bit of strength to save Noctis and give him the Ring of the Lucii. The chapter ends on a dream sequence where Luna says bye. sniffs

Ignis is also severely injured during the fight and has gone blind. The crew pulls themselves together and heads towards the heart of the Nif empire to get their crystal back. Classic Final Fantasy!

Trophy 42: The Heart of a King

Official Description: Completed Chapter 10.
Type: Bronze
Earned on: September 6th, 2021
Overall Earned: #1621

There are some intense emotions relating to grief in this chapter, that’s for sure. The group is on a train heading towards the Niflheim capital city when they take a side trip at a stop to find another Royal Arm. Gladio is super pissed at Noctis for not being very kingly while he’s dealing with the loss of Luna, and Ignis is having a really hard time adjusting to his new disability.

Eventually, the crew discovers the Royal Tomb behind a Malboro nest at the base of some mining equipment. And yes, an infamous Malboro is the boss fight here. Thank god I was super over-leveled! Ignis manages to save the day with a new libra elemental technique to finish off the fight.

At the end, Ignis vows to keep following them no matter what and they board the train to continue on. Oh and we see Ardyn stealthily board the train too. Yikes.

Trophy 43: In the Dark

Official Description: Completed Chapter 11.
Type: Bronze
Earned on: September 6th, 2021
Overall Earned: #1622

Chapter 11 is all about chasing Ardyn through the train and protecting the train from the imperial jerks. At the end, Ardyn tricks Noctis with some kinda temporal swapping ability. This makes Noctis mistakenly throw Prompto off the train instead of Ardyn and they have to leave him behind. Oh noes!

Trophy 44: End of Days

Official Description: Completed Chapter 12.
Type: Bronze
Earned on: September 6th, 2021
Overall Earned: #1623

The now group of three makes a stop in Luna’s hometown of Tenebrae, which the imperial jerks have attacked. Aranea is here to help the people and she assigns her boys Biggs and Wedge to drive Noctis’ train to the imperial capital.

Back on the tracks, they stop at the corpse of the Glaceon (the ice goddess who was killed by the Nif jerks). A blizzard strikes and Noctis chases Ardyn through the train again. When all hope seems lost, Gentiana appears to save the day and drop some seriously complicated story information I’m still not sure I get. Ahem.

Gentiana freezes Ardyn and tells Noctis she is fulfilling a promise she made to Lunafreya to protect him. Then Gentiana reveals herself to be Shiva, the Glaceon ice goddess lady everyone thought was dead. She says some things about The Six gods being at war and how the fiery god Ifrit (also her lover) now despises humanity quite a lot.

Also, some super powerful epic darkness is about to destroy the world. Noctis is the Chosen King and only one who can save everybody (including the six gods) from this evil darkness, or something like that!

Trophy 45: Redemption

Official Description: Completed Chapter 13.
Type: Bronze
Earned on: September 6th, 2021
Overall Earned: #1624

Whoa! Lots of stuff happens here. Time to dig out the ol’ point form list.

  • Noctis, Gladio and Ignis destroy the Regalia getting to the Nif base where the crystal is.
  • The group gets split up and I chose to follow Noctis.
  • Noctis finally puts on his ring since Ardyn has stopped all his other powers from working. This lets him use Death and banish things for an insta-kill.
  • Noctis finds the corpse of Ravus and takes his father’s blade from him. Ravus apparently saw the light and betrayed the imperials to get the sword to Noctis.
  • It is revealed that the magitek troops are people born in test tubes and corrupted by demons. Everyone in the base is now a demon since the disease spread.
  • Noctis gets trapped in a laser room and is rescued by Gladio and Ignis to regroup with them.
  • They find Prompto and rescue him too. It is also revealed that Prompto was one of those humans born to be a magitek minion but he was saved from that fate. He was keeping it a secret since he thought his friends would hate him if they knew he was born imperial. No one cares and they all have a beautiful bro moment. D’aww.
  • The twisted corpse of Ravus turns up as a boss fight after they stop the thing suppressing Noctis’ abilities.
  • They are overrun by demons and Noctis bolts to the crystal in the hopes of saving everyone. It eats him instead and Ardyn reveals himself to be a corrupted ancient king of the Lucis line. So he’s like Noctis’ great, great, great, great grandfather or something? Cool.
  • Ardyn promises to keep Noctis’ friends company while the crystal seals him away for a bit. Gladio and Prompto take a few shots at Ardyn, but nothing can kill the immortal asshole.
  • Inside crystal land, Noctis has a divine chat with the god Bahamut. His destiny is to kill Ardyn and sacrifice himself to end the darkness after bathing in the crystal’s light for a loooong while.
  • 10 years later in a world with only darkness, older Noctis with a cool beard wakes up on a stone island and drives his father’s boat back to shore with Umbra (Luna’s surviving magical doggo guardian).
  • All grown up Talcott meets him on the road and drives him to Hammerhead to meet up with his old friends and make the final push into Insomnia.

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