The Final Fantasy XV Platinum Trophy Road Trip

Trophy 16: Spinning a Yarn I

Official Description: Completed first sidequest.
Type: Bronze
Earned on: June 15th, 2021
Overall Earned: #1595

Sidequest #1 was getting a set of dog tags for Dave. This helps memorialize the brave monster hunters who fell in battle.

Trophy 17: Departure

Official Description: Completed Chapter 1.
Type: Bronze
Earned on: June 16th, 2021
Overall Earned: #1596

Main story time! So, um… on the way to the island where Noctis was to meet his bride, the ferry was blocked for some reason. Some reporter/jeweler guy with a New York accent asked Noctis to get a rare mineral for him and he’d help. After I did this (and almost got killed by a giant bird in a stealth section), the crew learned their city of Insomnia was attacked and decided to head back.

Unfortunately, there was a blockade by the bad guys and in a super dramatic cutscene Noctis learns his father (the King) was murdered by these jerks. A dude named Cor asks Noctis to meet him back in Hammerhead so they can figure out what to do next.

Trophy 18: Spinning a Yarn II

Official Description: Completed 5 sidequests.
Type: Bronze
Earned on: June 16th, 2021
Overall Earned: #1597

Sidequest #5 was fetching a tomato for diner guy in Hammerhead. It ain’t much, but it’s honest work.

Trophy 19: No Turning Back

Official Description: Completed Chapter 2.
Type: Bronze
Earned on: June 23rd, 2021
Overall Earned: #1598

Something something, bad guys are shown after I beat a big robot boss to unlock more of the map. I tend to forget the main story when I get lost in side quests. Down with the Nifs, I think!

Trophy 20: Spinning a Yarn III

Official Description: Completed 10 sidequests.
Type: Bronze
Earned on: June 23rd, 2021
Overall Earned: #1599

‘The Ever Regal Regalia’ was side quest #10 for me. Cindy wanted paint (or something) from a random tunnel (for some reason).

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