The Final Fantasy XV Platinum Trophy Road Trip

Trophy 11: Photo Rookie

Official Description: Improved photography level for the first time.
Type: Bronze
Earned on: June 14th, 2021
Overall Earned: #1590

Prompto reminds me of those annoying Instagram influencer wannabes but he grew on me. He takes random pictures of the crew throughout the day (mostly in battle) and you get to choose which ones to keep at camp.

Trophy 12: Survival Rookie

Official Description: Improved survival level for the first time.
Type: Bronze
Earned on: June 14th, 2021
Overall Earned: #1591

Gladio’s survival skill levels up the more steps you take. He can use this skill to find valuable items dropped from combat.

Trophy 13: Black Mage

Official Description: Used magic for the first time.
Type: Bronze
Earned on: June 14th, 2021
Overall Earned: #1592

Look at that beautiful lightning! Magic use is definitely dangerous in this game. I noticed there is friendly fire and you can get hurt from your own spells. Yikes.

Trophy 14: Learner’s Permit

Official Description: Drove the Regalia.
Type: Bronze
Earned on: June 15th, 2021
Overall Earned: #1593

Oh Cindy and her fanservice station. Not sure how the hell she gets anything fixed in her uh, outfit, but she got the car up and running for the crew. Ignis is usually the driver but will force Noctis to drive at night.

The car controls are awful (probably because I’m used to games like Grand Theft Auto) but this isn’t really meant to be a driving simulator or anything.

Trophy 15: High Five for Justice!

Official Description: Played JUSTICE MONSTERS FIVE for the first time.
Type: Bronze
Earned on: June 15th, 2021
Overall Earned: #1594

I found a pinball machine in a diner and immediately wasted a half hour playing it because I assumed there was a trophy for it. Glad I was right!

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