The Final Fantasy XV Platinum Trophy Road Trip

Trophy 46: Chosen King

Official Description: Defeated Ifrit on Normal difficulty.
Type: Gold
Earned on: September 6th, 2021
Overall Earned: #1625

I did the majority of the side content on easy mode but turned it to Normal for the rest of the story since I knew it was required for some fight. Ifrit is the angry fire god Ardyn unleashes on Noctis near the end of the game. The fight was easy peasy for over-leveled me!

I also loved how the fight ends with Shiva icing her fiery lover. I got the chills!

Trophy 47: Homecoming

Official Description: Completed Chapter 14.
Type: Silver
Earned on: September 7th, 2021
Overall Earned: #1626

Before facing off with Ardyn, Noctis chooses one of Prompto’s photos to take with him (this apparently appears on your certificate once you beat the game). Ardyn knocks out Noctis’ crew and it’s a solo showdown to end the game. It was a fun fight!

After the epic final battle, Noctis sits on his throne and does the sacrifice thing to save the world and kill Ardyn once and for all. Not going to lie, I cried during the credits.

After the credits, it inexplicably shows Luna and a groomed older Noctis together on the throne in a much happier future time. Did his sacrifice restore a timeline and give them all a surprise happy ending? Or is this some kind of wonderful afterlife?? I have no idea, but I’ll take the good vibes!

Trophy 48: Faithful Heir

Official Description: Collected thirteen royal arms.
Type: Silver
Earned on: September 7th, 2021
Overall Earned: #1627

Despite all the side activities I did during my playthrough, I managed to miss a few of the easy Royal Arms. Oops! I used Umbra to take a trip back in time and get those. The last one was the Bow of the Clever in a super easy mine dungeon I totally missed seeing.

Trophy 49: Tortoise Toppler

Official Description: Defeated the adamantoise.
Type: Gold
Earned on: September 7th, 2021
Overall Earned: #1628

I always do things the hard way in games. It took me almost two hours of stabbing this massive rock turtle (an optional post-game boss hunt) in the toes with Noctis to get this trophy (my AI party had trouble finding a spot to attack and ran around in circles for most of the time).

Afterwards, a cool friend told me you can just use the Ring of the Lucii to one-shot the damn thing. Gr!! I r as dumb as the party AI and stubborn af.

Trophy 50: Regalia Pilot

Official Description: Flew the Regalia Type-F.
Type: Silver
Earned on: September 7th, 2021
Overall Earned: #1629

To unlock flying you need to take out all three of the imperial bases. Two are related to the main story but I missed the optional one during my playthrough. Taking out the bases gives you rare car parts and Cindy works her magic to make a car-plane happen.

It’s so fun to fly free, but landing safely is another story.

Trophy 51: The World Wanderer

Official Description: Collected all trophies.
Type: Platinum
Earned on: September 7th, 2021
Overall Earned: #1630

Flying the car-plane was the last thing I needed to do for shiny platinum. It was probably one of the most epic platinum unlocks I’ve ever experienced.

The trophy pops. I fail to land. The car-plane bursts into flames, and the dudes shoot off into the sky as the Game Over screen fades in. All of this to the tune of the Maester Seymour boss fight music from Final Fantasy X (my first Final Fantasy game).

Sources: All images in this post are screenshots we took with the PlayStation 4 from the video game Final Fantasy XV created by Square Enix

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